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Thread: Beginner SQUAT Form Check and Bar Placement problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Question Beginner SQUAT Form Check and Bar Placement problems

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    Hi this is my first time doing any kind of strength training in life, and I think I am doing the best one

    I have read the video posting stickeys but apologize for not having the best angle here because I couldn't find a volunteer to shoot my video. So these are with the camera on the floor.



    I got someone to take a picture of my setup
    WhatsApp Image 2018-08-29 at 11.14.57 PM.jpg WhatsApp Image 2018-08-29 at 11.14.56 PM (2).jpg


    I began starting strength a few weeks back and learnt the squat form through Rippetoe's youtube videos.

    I was doing low bar squat; I was placing the bar under the spine of the scapula and right above the posterior deltoid. But as I loaded the bar, I realized that the bar was hurting my scapula (I think I was not doing it right). So I moved it right over my traps which had enough meat to create sort of a padding for the bar. It was very comfortable relatively and then I kept doing that. I kept doing all the low bar movements (hip drive, knees out etc.) with the bar on my traps until recently when I reached my 165 pounds on the squat (which is also my weight) and was struggling under the bar. I went home and checked out some videos like YouTube and found that I was probably doing a mix of high bar and low bar squat; I was placing the bar on traps like high bar squat but following low bar procedure (not doing ass to grass and keeping the back more horizontal by looking 6 ft ahead of me on the floor)

    On page 287 in SS second edition Ripptoe says that "When you begin this program, if you have been taught the movement [Squat] wrong you will have to de-program yourself (the worst-case scenario)...". I would hate to de-program as I am enjoying it. So I deloaded a bit and now I am trying to correct the form (from high bar to low bar)

    If it matters, I am 24 Male 175 pounds and 185 cm.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Rota, Spain


    Welcome Akshay!

    For starters: Lose the gloves, get lifting shoes, and gain weight.

    Next, I would widen your stance about 4 inches and focus on driving the knees OUT instead of forward and driving your butt BACK instead of down. It looks like you have the bar resting in the correct spot, but your hands are a little wide, and your elbows are a little high on a few reps. Try moving your hands in about 3 finger widths and pin your elbows to your sides. Keep in mind that the bar position isn't comfortable the first few weeks. It's not painful, but not comfortable.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    thanks so much for the feedback Brian

    I uploaded a new video where I tried to drive the knees out instead of forward. I also tried to bring the hands closer to my shoulders, removed the gloves, and widened the stance a bit. Still have to get the lifting shoes.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    State College, Pennsylvania



    You made some good improvements here. As Brian pointed out- your stance needed to be wider and it looks much better here. Lifters will also give you better contact with the ground than your Air Jordan's and would be worth your investment! Getting back to your grip issue, you may have some trouble getting your hands in more narrow than they are here- because it looks like your shoulders are tight. But as Brian pointed out- a narrower grip is going to make the bar more stable on your back- especially as you are a currently a smaller guy. No worries, though- if you do the program this will fix itself. Eat well and keep training.

    You should try to do a few stretches like this- before you squat- to see if you can improve your shoulder range of motion and get your hands in and elbows down.


    Good luck and nice improvement in your knee position and in sitting back!

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