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Thread: Advise on giving advise

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Post Advise on giving advise

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    First off, thanks for everything you do. I have made great progress on the SS program.

    At the gym, I always keep my head down and concentrate on my lifts. I usually just shake my head at some of the things I see people doing. But today I was asked something by a fellow gym member. He asked me if I would watch and make sure his knees did not go past his feet while he squated. Not wanting to possibly offend him I just said "ok".
    After unracking the bar, he took about a 8 inch stance, look directly at the ceiling, squated to around parallel and came back up. Around the third rep he almost fell back b/c he was concentrating on not moving he knees forward.

    When it was over, I asked why he was worried about his knees going forward. I knew the answer. He said he read an article that it was bad for your knees to go past your feet, etc.

    At this point what would you suggest I say if people ask? Try to explain the basics? Refer him to SS? Or nothing at all? I also know that telling someone how to lift at the gym can be a touchy subject.

    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    If he asks, tell him. You're officially Not Butting In if he asks for your spot or your opinion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    If someone personally asks your opinion, give it and be glad you can make a positive change in this weak world.
    When I'm training and I see someone who's giving squats or deads or presses an honest try, I always ?sk them if I may give them some advice (I always may). I always tell them about SS, I always tell them about the (Belgian) discussion board I partly moderate and the next week they often ask me to check their form.
    I don't suggest everyone should do this, but if someone asks you, he or she clearly wants to put up an honest effort and should be adviced.
    Together we c?n make a change.

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