starting strength gym
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Thread: Gaining a 4th grader and getting strong

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Get 70s Big!

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    After doing CrossFit for about a year, I decided that I needed to add some strength in order to be competitive. I am 6'4, 205# and very lean. My starting lifts are: Squat 345, Deadlift 385, Bench ~245, Hang Power Clean 240, Press 135. Goals are 550 Deadlift, 500 Squat, 315 Bench, 200+ Press, 315+ Power Clean.

    I will be using Rip's Starting Strength including eating as much as I can and GOMAD. As per a question I asked him, I'll be shooting for a bodyweight of about 275. Once I get there, I'll decide how I like it and make plans according to that assessment.

    Please feel free to comment on this, as I know there are a lot of more experienced lifters and coaches who can help me and maybe some newbs who I can help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Workout 1, 8/1

    A Workout

    Squat 45x5x2, 135x4, 185x3, 225x5x3

    Bench 45x5, 95x4, 135x3, 175x5x3

    DL 45x5, 225x3, 275x5

    Chins (BW) 8,7,7

    I started pretty light to get a feel for the program, need a lot more weight in squats and DL.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Workout 2, 8/3

    Workout B

    Squat 45x5x2, 155x4, 195x3, 245x5x3

    Press 45x5, 75x3, 95x2, 105x5x3

    PC 45x3, 115x2x2, 155x3x5

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Workout 3, 8/5

    Workout A

    Squat 45x5x2, 155x4, 225x3, 285x5x3

    Bench 45x5, 115x4, 155x3, 205x5x3

    DL 45x5, 225x3, 265x1, 315x5

    Chin (BW) 7,6,4

    Smashed my finger unloading the DL which I want to blame for subpar chinning.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Workout 4, 8/7

    Workout B

    Squat 45x5x2, 165x4, 225x3, 295x5x3

    Press 45x5, 75x3, 95x2, 115x5x3

    PC 45x3, 135x2x2, 175x3x5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Workout 5, 8/10

    Workout A BW 224

    Squat 45x5x2, 165x4, 225x3, 285x1, 305x5x3

    Bench 45x5, 115x4, 165x2, 210x5x3

    DL 45x5, 225x4, 275x2, 335x5

    Chin (BW) 7,5,4

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Workout 6, 8/12

    Workout B

    Squat 45x5x2, 175x4, 245x3, 285x1, 315x5x3

    Press 45x5, 75x3, 95x1, 124x5x3

    PC 45x3, 135x2, 155x1, 195x3x5

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Workout 7, 8/15

    Workout A

    Squat 45x5x2, 175x4, 245x3, 285x1, 325x5x3

    Bench 45x5, 135x4, 175x2, 215x5x3

    DL 45x5, 225x4, 275x2, 355x5

    Chin (BW) 8,5,5

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Workout 8, 8/17

    Workout B BW ~226

    Squat 45x5x2, 185x4, 245x2, 295x1, 335x5x3

    Press 45x5, 95x3, 115x3, 130x4, 130x5x2

    PC 45x3, 155x3, 175x1, 200x3x5

    Pull-ups (BW) 5,5,4

    I missed my first set on press because I was trying to catch my breath too much at the top of ROM. THAT ISN'T RESTING.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Workout 9, 8/19

    starting strength coach development program
    Workout A BW 231

    Squat 45x5x2, 185x4, 245x2, 315x1, 345x5x3

    Bench 45x5, 135x4, 185x3, 220x5, 220x4x2

    DL 45x5, 225x4, 315x2, 355x1, 370x5

    Chin (BW) 7,5,4

    I felt like I didn't eat enough. Had low energy.

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