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Thread: Question on Recovery after Surgery

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Boston Area

    Default Question on Recovery after Surgery

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Dear Rip,

    On Tuesday (13-May) I underwent a radical inguinal orchiectomy (removal of right testicle due to testicular cancer). Based on my visual of the incision and my discussion with the Urologist, the following wiki description seems to accurately describe the incision: “A 4–6*cm incision is made above the pubic bone on the side corresponding to the testicle to be removed. This incision runs obliquely midway between the pubic tubercle and the anterior superior iliac spine. The incision is extended down through the fat until the external oblique fascia is encountered. It is incised along its fibers.”

    I’m currently walking/climbing stairs without issue and am able to squat (no weight) without a problem. I was hoping to take the SS training Level I in CA this weekend, but the surgery schedule interfered, so I plan to catch one in the future.

    Given the above limited info, do you think that the Bill Starr Rehab protocol would be applicable for getting back to training? Specifically, from your summary; “Wait 3-4 days until the pain starts to "blur",which indicates that the immediate process of healing has stopped the bleeding and has started to repair the tissue. Then use an exercise that directly works the injury . . .". Any other advice would be appreciated.

    My Info:
    Age: 49
    W/H: 160lbs/5’8”
    Started Starting Strength in Jan-2014 after years of no weight training. I haven’t attempted one rep maximums, but listed below are my 3 x 5 work sets as of last week. I started conservatively (very low weights) in Jan-2014 and have only added 10lbs every 2 weeks on Squats & Dead Lifts and 5lbs every 2 weeks on Press & Bench. I could progress faster, but I’m not in a rush and I have managed to avoid injuries with uninterrupted progress via the above schedule.

    Squat: 5 reps x 205 (Goal: 300lbs 1RM by end of 2014)
    Dead Lift: 5 reps x 205 (Goal: 320lbs 1RM by end of 2014)
    Press: 5 reps x 100 (Goal: 125ibs 1RM by end of 2014)
    Bench: 5 reps x 140 (Goal: 200lbs 1RM by end of 2014)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    The Starr protocol applies only to muscle bellies and low backs. Start back slowly on the squat, deadlift, and press, letting pain be your guide as to the load. Do 5s in a normal linear fashion, reproducing the linear progression until you are back to pre-surgery strength. Should take 6-8 weeks.

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