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Thread: Previously Skinny Person Transitioning to Skinny-Fat in Middle Age - Macros Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Previously Skinny Person Transitioning to Skinny-Fat in Middle Age - Macros Question

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I am 39 yo, 5’10.5”, 186 lb., male. Waist circumference is about 38” assuming I’m not screwing up the measurement. I've ballparked BF% at 25ish. Trying to figure out if my nutritional approach should be that of a skinny-fat man, or just a skinny man.

    This is a sanity check for my current calories and macros. I am currently on NLP, which I started on 10/15/21. I started very very light to avoid plateauing too early. I was eating as much as possible and not concerned about anything other than getting plenty of calories and protein. I generally eat a ton of fat.

    On December 5th, I decided to start tracking my diet with the following targets 3380 kcal, 211 p, 423 c, 94 f. I have been able to hit these targets pretty consistently and without much effort. The only major adjustments were eating more carbs and less fat than what I normally would.

    Annoyingly, I got COVID on 12/31 and went 8 days without lifting and lost about 10 lbs. I had some really low calorie days during this time. I’m now recovered and back on track. I don’t feel any imminent stalls coming on. Squat and OHP dropped some during layoff. Everything else is fine (though weak).

    I’m trying to decide if my current targets (3380 kcal, 211 p, 423 c, 94 f) are appropriate, and if so, should I change them if progress slows? If they are not, what should they be? I have the capacity to eat more than 4000 kcal a day if I need to, but I would expect this to have a pretty large effect on the waist measurement given that I’m getting a bit old and am genetically predisposed to looking pregnant.

    This may be irrelevant, but growing up I was insanely skinny (100 lbs. 5'4" when I got my driver’s license, 120 lbs. 5'10" when I graduated high school, 150 lbs. before ever lifting at age 31). Historically, I’ve been able to gain or lose weight rapidly fairly easily. If I was 10 years younger, I would approach the program as if a hard gaining skinny guy. It’s tempting to just do that now, but I thought I should get a second opinion given my age and waist size. I can't decide if I'm eating appropriately, not near enough, or perhaps even a little too much.

    Initial Numbers 10/15/21| Numbers 12/30/21 (before COVID, out 8 days)| Current Numbers 1/13/22|
    Body Weight| 176| 190| 186|
    Squat (5x3)| 115| 230| 205|
    Press (5x3)| 65| 120| 105|
    Bench (5x3)| 95| 165| 160|
    Deadlift (5x1)| 145| 230| 250|
    Power Clean (3x5)| 45| 105| 110|

    Thanks in advance for any advice. Sorry for the excess details, just don't want to leave anything out that might be important. My goal with this post is to determine the best targets I can for kcal/protein/carbs/fat.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Phoenix, AZ


    Keep with what you are doing and keep adding weight. You are on the right track. Just remember the 3 questions so you keep getting stronger and put the food to use.

    The First Three Questions | Mark Rippetoe

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Thanks for the reply Robert. I really appreciate it! Glad to be in the ballpark as far as eating is concerned. I'll stay the course and send an update when progress slows on the bigger lifts.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Phoenix, AZ


    You are welcome. Should come pretty fast. Just do the program and let it work.

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