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Thread: Kinda all over the place - need some guidance.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Kinda all over the place - need some guidance.

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    For the past couple of months or so I've been a little unsure of how to proceed with the Texas Method. I started it about a year ago and made excellent gains, but the last 2 months have been kinda messy. Let me explain.

    Up until 2 weeks ago I was at 4 plates for volume 8x3 which I switched to a few weeks before that; I was doing 5x5 up until that point. I decided 5lb a week isn't doable anymore and form was suffering, so as suggested, I dropped the weight to about 370 at 5x5 and intensity is about 65lb more, so around 435-ish, which I do for 1x3 (Although last week for the first time ever I missed a rep on intensity, which I'm attributing to the drop in volume).

    Deadlifts have been reset a few times, the latest was just this week because I felt at 415 my form wasn't the best, so I dropped it down to 375 and it's a little better. I can continue to work up by 5lb a week, but what then? Do I microload once I feel it's getting too much to keep up with each week?

    Presses (shoulder and bench) have still gone up by 5lb a week (currently for volume they are 170 and 245 respectively at 5x5), but I can feel a stall soon. I'm assuming microloading for these is a good idea once I start to miss reps continually?

    Cleans have gotten much better since I dropped the weight a couple of months ago and worked on some technical issues. Weight has progressed well and I'm at 189 now for 5x3 with somewhat decent form. I have no one to watch or critique me cos my gym is full of beach muscle bros.

    Any help will be appreciated. I feel overall I've reset too many times, and I'm not too sure how to keep progressing in the future. I know I'll be back at 4 plates for volume again on squats, I just want to be able to handle it then and not simply reset.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011


    I am just beginning SS Novice so take this as a book answer and not an experience answer...but what about monthly gains on 5/3/1?

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