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Thread: SS Seminar vs. others

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Ottawa ON, Canada

    Default SS Seminar vs. others

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I recently had access to a day long seminar from a couple of highly decorated "functional fitness" athletes. The topic was barbell training and i got it at no cost. I've been using the SS model for the last couple years, but was going into it with as open a mind as possible. I made it a goal to learn one thing.

    Unfortunately, I only lasted the morning before tapping out. There was the 40 minute warm-up with no barbells in sight. There was the discussion with one of the coaches where I tried to understand how my hamstring flexibility was restricting my front-squats. There was the progression from the squat portion (front squat only) to the deadlift portion without a soul moving more than 45 lbs.

    When I saw that the afternoon exercise selection for upper-body consisted of barbell rows and push-press I abandoned hope and disappeared.

    The hardest thing about the seminar was trying to explain to others what I thought of it. It's hard to explain what high caliber coaching feels like. It's hard to impress upon them what it's like to get a lesson after the topic has been thoroughly analyzed, but delivered clearly and simply. How can I convey the difference between asking a coach a question and waiting for them to come up with an answer, vs. asking a coach a question and seeing that they are waiting for you to finish your thought so they can deliver a precise answer that they have thought about and delivered many times before?

    I've seen lots of testimony that going from other certifications to a SS Seminar feels like a step up, but I haven't seen as many about going to other seminars after a SS Seminar. I'm happy I learned my lesson for free, and given a chance would gladly pony up for another look at the good stuff that is the SS Seminar.

    Keep up the good work, and Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Portland, OR


    Quote Originally Posted by murklurker View Post
    The hardest thing about the seminar was trying to explain to others what I thought of it. It's hard to explain what high caliber coaching feels like. It's hard to impress upon them what it's like to get a lesson after the topic has been thoroughly analyzed, but delivered clearly and simply. How can I convey the difference between asking a coach a question and waiting for them to come up with an answer, vs. asking a coach a question and seeing that they are waiting for you to finish your thought so they can deliver a precise answer that they have thought about and delivered many times before?
    It's not just the seminar. The first time I spent a session with an SSC I walked out realizing that all prior coaching I received up to that point was crap.

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