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Thread: Squat Form Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Default Squat Form Check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Asking for a Form Check please. I know they're too deep, is there any advice to get them higher? Whenever I cut them off higher I just feel like I'm grinding to a stop then starting again, instead of a turnaround or a bounce. Started Tubowing on light day to deal with knees shooting... still seems to happen when it gets heavy (for me) and I go too deep. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    230lbs 6'2"
    295x5 this is my 5RM
    Just transitioning this week from NLP to HLM.

    Ps I did read the sticky on angle of filiming etc. A friend recording, I was focused on the 5RM so didn't look over to get the angle changed before hand. Will try and improve for next time.

    Squat Form Check 295x5 5RM - YouTube

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    You are going to have to get used to not letting go at the bottom and relaxing. This will probably be a little difficult to break. You need to think about trying to squat above parallel and working really hard to stay tight. I cannot see if your stance is very narrow, nor what your knees are doing as far as going in or out. If you stay leaned over, keep your knees out, and don't relax, you will probably be able to bounce at the appropriate time. Realize that there is no trampoline down there, however. You can also consider one of my favorite perennial favorite assistance lifts: the box squat.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Thanks Tom, much appreciated. This forum really is amazing. Form check from Tom and a programming question answered by Andy all within a week or so. I'll get a better angle for stance width and knees on Friday and post. I'll get some box squats going on Medium day next week. Already checked out Rippetoe's video on them. Is tubow on L day and box squats on M day worrying to much about depth or a good way to proceed?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    "If you stay leaned over, keep your knees out, and don't relax, you will probably be able to bounce at the appropriate time. Realize that there is no trampoline down there, however."

    Sigh... if only there was a trampoline down there.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Just add a paused box squat where you don't sit down and relax and rock back on the box to the middle of the week. It will require lighter weights. Pause for about one second on the box and stay tight. Box should be just below parallel. Prepare for pain.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Thanks for the extra info on the programming and performing the box squat. I'll face that task on Sunday. As per your above questions about stance width and knees I got a better angle on today's set:

    Squat Form Check 275x5 - YouTube

    It's 275x5 which felt wayyyyy easier than last weeks 295x5 (maybe a little reprieve after a L and M day instead of NLP). Tried to stay a little higher. First two reps felt better then last 3 were the same old relaxing st the bottom.

    Thanks again,


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Push your knees out harder, especially on the ascent. Get your chin down and look at a point on the ground. Really focus on doing so as you come back up.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Thanks Tom. I'll work on those things as well as depth. Box squats went well. Thanks for all the help.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Glad to hear it.

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