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Thread: PR single vs PR reps

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default PR single vs PR reps

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Right around Christmas I'll be going or a squat PR. Which should I do?

    465x1 - my past 3 PR's were 435 - 445 - 455 so this just keeps that progression going and is a 2% increase over 6 weeks which is the rate of progression I've been trying to maintain. However, I haven't included any lifts above 85% (385) for 6 weeks. I know I'm stronger but I'm worried about making that jump.

    410x4 - the prior pr's of 435 and 455 went well and were done after having including some heavy singles in the build up. This phase I've not included the singles in an attempt to avoid elbow/arm pain. 90%x4 = 102% e1RM (465). This was my tentative plan after hitting 455. The whole program is 3's, 4's or 5's at 70-85% so I feel prepared for a 4RM. I do feel that I'm better at rep PR's than singles so it seems like I'm cheating or maybe I just don't want to break my 1rep progression.

    405x5 - It is a slightly higher e1RM (472) than 410x4 and it is the last PR of the year so why not go for a 5RM with 4 plates. Even though this might be the highest e1RM or most impressive option, I feel very confident that I could hit it. This is the 1st set at 385 from the last hard session which included 320x3 - 365x5,5 - 385x4,4,4.

    I'd like to have some momentum going into 2016 and to have something I can stick to for as long as possible. Hopefully whatever I chose will be what I stick with for most or all of 2016.

    What do you think is the better display of progress, PR singles or PR 3-5RM's?

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by konkoba98; 12-20-2015 at 07:50 AM. Reason: bolded actual question

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    I would not attempt a single 80 lbs above anything I had done in the past 6 weeks. For me, it is better to include 1 heavy single or double in each session leading up to a PR attempt. So if a new PR is the goal I would go for the 5 rep PR this time, then over the next 6 weeks incorporate some heavy singles, ramping to a single at 475 in mid February.

    Edit: to answer your question: the better display of progress is the one that reflects your goals. If your goal is to continue building general strength then the rep PR is a better demonstration of that. If your goal is to compete in Powerlifting or in Strengthlifting the 1rm PR is a better display.
    Last edited by Philbert; 12-20-2015 at 10:53 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Philbert View Post
    I would not attempt a single 80 lbs above anything I had done in the past 6 weeks. For me, it is better to include 1 heavy single or double in each session leading up to a PR attempt. So if a new PR is the goal I would go for the 5 rep PR this time, then over the next 6 weeks incorporate some heavy singles, ramping to a single at 475 in mid February.

    Edit: to answer your question: the better display of progress is the one that reflects your goals. If your goal is to continue building general strength then the rep PR is a better demonstration of that. If your goal is to compete in Powerlifting or in Strengthlifting the 1rm PR is a better display.
    There's some thing nice about that 405x5 milestone too

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Fort Worth


    If you know you have 405x5. Get it this time..Next time get another PR, a triple or that single. Unless you have a meet you are preparing for I am finding less and less value in maximal singles. Maybe go back and go through those old single PR's and get doubles oVer time. Then Triple that last Single PR eventually. It only takes a few practice sessions using heavy singles to be prepared to hit good numbers in a meet setting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    New Jersey


    I personal would attempt a rep PR which btw will calculate into higher e1RM. it always depends on what I am doing at the time. If it fits my programming than sure.

    In my training I rarely test or do max singles unless I am within a certain time before a meet. I just don't see the value in it. I tend to stay disciplined in my programming. 1rm only matter to me when I am on the platform. If you don't compete, you can schedule your 1rm as if you do every 6 months by having a mock meet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    Thanks all.

    I'll go for reps - either 410x4 or 405x5 and let it be a game-time decision. For 2016 I'll just track my e1RM from 3-5RM's to show progress.

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