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Thread: When pulling heavy ever week is to much

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Default When pulling heavy ever week is to much

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    How does one truly know when pulling 1x5 at deadlift is to much? When would a person go from pulling 1x5 weekly to pulling every 9 days or longer. I think I may do a snatch grip dead lift 2x a week with heavy weight since it is a medium lift by nature and pull a normal deadlift 2x a month. Example bellow, yes I have ran the NLP many times and the texas method. Body weight 245 now, at 70 inches. Deadlift is 1x5 with 560, snatch deadlift is 475 for 1x5. The article the first 3 questions make me wonder if is a food issue, but I'm losing some weight to help with blood pressure that was 170 over 98. I was around 272, I honestly wasn't even that fat. The blood pressure meds have helped more then the weight loss I feel. I don't want to get any lighter then 230.

    Bench 5x5 H
    Squat 3x5 L
    Snatch dead 2x5 M

    Press 3x5
    Squat 5x5 H
    Cleans 5x3

    Deadlifts 1x5 H every 2nd week snatch deads 2x5 try to PR on snatch grips as well.
    Squat 3x5 M
    Bench 3x5 M

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


    You're trying to lose 15 lbs of BW and add weight to the bar at the same time as an intermediate, with relatively high volume?

    How old are you, again, Griff?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2021


    2x a week snatch grip deadlifts is ridiculous. How about you try just pulling once every other week, or split it into haltings and rack pulls? I doubt the snatch grip is accomplishing anything at all besides adding to fatigue.

    Your systolic BP is not chronically 170 either. Start taking the measurements at home.

    You're squatting way too much too. MED MED MED MED!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    27, I really don't want to lose anymore weight. It's been almost impossible to keep my pressing strength the same. How would doing a snatch deadlift 2x a week be to much if it's a medium lift by nature? Especially if I didn't pull a 1x5 deadlift that week. On the heavy 1x5 day I would just snatch grip 1x a week.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


    You're rather young yet, Griff, you lucky SOB, so you're going to be able to get away with more with respect to volume. On the one hand, this gives you considerable freedom to do what you like while still driving the weight up - you're operating in the theater of maximum tolerable dose. On the other hand, it keeps you from having to learn as quickly about minimum effective dosing.

    One of the reasons that the NLP is very set and objective, while intermediate programming is a far more complicated matter is that post-novice training is very individualized. The same small number of principles obtain with novices, while intermediates have personal and demographic differences, the differential impact of genetics increases, goals are different, etc. I could tell you how alternating deficit HDLs and block pulls, carefully constraining my squats, etc. works for driving up my DL numbers right now, but I'm nearly twice your age, started far later in life, almost certainly have much different anthropometry, etc., so why would it matter to you?

    Your original inquiry was:

    Quote Originally Posted by Griffin727 View Post
    How does one truly know when pulling 1x5 at deadlift is to much? When would a person go from pulling 1x5 weekly to pulling every 9 days or longer.
    What's missing here is: What are you currently doing, and is your deadlift going up with what you're currently doing or not?

    In my experience, if current programming was working, and has stopped, then a massive program switch is not as useful as careful, incremental tweaks. (And if current programming is working, then what needs to change?)

    Also, I'm confused about your statements that you're down to 245 from 272, but don't want to go below 230, but also that you really don't want to lose any more weight. Are you dropping weight or not at this point?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    Are you having trouble moving your deadlift up, or do you just want to do more work? If it's the former, then there's a correct way to do it. You don't add light work just to add more work. You add light work to keep your motor pathways maintained in between your heavy work. You need this because you are going to reduce the frequency of the heavy work. You need to reduce frequency in order to give your body more time to recover. A snatch grip deadlift will work for a light exercise. So will a snatch, or an SLDL or a barbell row, or any kind of pull from the floor. But remember it's all in service of improving on the main lift. Work smarter, not harder.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    I do think this is a simple calorie issue, but if it isn't I'm just trying to think of a strategy to manage stress if it is a pure stress issue.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Griffin727 View Post
    I do think this is a simple calorie issue, but if it isn't I'm just trying to think of a strategy to manage stress if it is a pure stress issue.
    If you change two independent variables at the same time, you won't know which effected the change.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    I don't see a point in losing any more weight honestly. I feel going from 245 to 230 isn't going make me come off blood pressure meds. I was prob 25 precent body fat at 272, now at 245 I'm prob 19 to 21 precent. If I was to do the NLP there's no way I could squat 3x5 with 445 3x a week. My program I was doing was this.
    Bench 5x5 H
    Squat 3x5 L 20 precent off set
    Snatch deadlift 2x5

    Press 3x5
    Squat 5x5 H
    Cleans 5x3

    Bench 3x5 M 5 precent off set
    Squat 3x5 M 10 precent off set
    Deadlift 1x5 H

    What I was thinking of doing
    Was doing 1x5 on deadlift every 2 weeks on Friday and the other 2 weeks I would program a snatch grip at 1x5 or 2x5 since it a more medium lift by nature.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    starting strength coach development program
    Yeah deadlift is not moving to well. I go through periods where it will go down a rep or 2 as well. I'll take a week off then it base lines back to my normal 1x5 at 560.

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