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Thread: Viking Workouts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark

    Default Viking Workouts

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    The first time I tried TM a few years back it completely fucked me up. I ground out my 5x5 squats around 350 lbs, and it was just too much. I wasn't smart, but stubborn, which ended in a predictable fashion.

    I've been doing different stuff over the last few years, the first of which was just getting control over the injuries I blessed myself with on TM. One major thing is the need to highbar squat, since my elbows just cant handle LB squat.

    I'm 31 y/o, 6'1, 210 lbs. Recent PRs on the big lifts:

    Squat: 330x5 (highbar)
    Bench: 247x5
    Press: 172x5
    Deads: 380x7

    I need to work on my squats, as going *just* past parallel has resulted in some knee trouble. So I'm going deeper now. Therefore I'm planning to start this out with a short SS-run (3-4 weeks, hopefully), and then switch to TM.

    I'm gonna fuck around with cleaning on my short SS-stint, to see if I can get my wrist and the shitty bar at the gym to work together. Otherwise it's gonna be rows.

    Therefore the immediate plan is:

    MON: Squat, B/P, PC
    WED: Squat, B/P, Chins
    FRI: Squat, B/P, Deadlift

    When I'm done with that, I'll start up the standard TM-template (from the book):

    MON: Squat 5x5, B/P 5x5, DL 1x5
    WED: Squat 2x5@80%, P/B 3x5, Chins 3x10 (weighted?), Goodmorning 3x10
    FRI: Squat 1x5, B/P 1x5, Power-Clean 5x3

    If I can't Power Clean properly I'll row 5x5 on Monday, and Deadlift 5RM on Friday (ugh..).

    Dietwise I'm following John Sheaffers recommendations, as this has worked wonderfully for me.
    Last edited by stef; 04-20-2012 at 02:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    05-08-11: SS #1
    Squat: 285x5x3
    Press: 167.5x5x3
    Deadlift: 385x5

    Deads were tough, but that's to be expected when I do them after some decent squat volume. Speaking of squats, they are fine, but I still have to work out technique. Squatting 3xweek at lower poundages will hopefully help with that. Most reps are pretty deep at this point, so I just need to maintain that consistently. I can sorta feel it in my knee if i "only" break parallel.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    08-08-11: SS #2
    Squat: 285x5x3
    Bench: 237.5x5x3
    Power Clean: 165 lbs: 3,3,3,1,3

    Things went well. Good, slow, deep, controlled squats, and pretty strong bench. I smacked myself in the chin on the 4th set of cleans. I should use more weight, but I'm getting back into it, trying not to piss my wrist off too much. Today my chin, wrist and left collarbone are all hurting. Good times.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    10-08-11: SS #3
    Squat: 290x5x3
    Press: 170x5x3
    GM: 95x8x2
    Chins: +25: 10, +15: 8

    Scared of refucking my pelvis, going as low as I am on squats. Slight annoyance there already. We'll see - knee is feeling better, though not perfect. Very happy to get the Press, as my left wrist and elbow were abit off today. GM's were fine, chins I'll do BW (hopefully 3x10) next time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    My right knee is tight as hell today. I think it's from the GM's where I probably hyperextended my knee or something. The pain/tightness is alot different than the "usual".

    Hopefully I can still squat tomorrow.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    Squat: 295x5x3
    Press: 240x5x3
    Deadlift: 390x5 <-- PR!

    My hams and knee were FUCKED today, so I was debating whether it was a good idea to go. My stubbornness (and stupidity?) got the better of me, and I completed the workout, even setting a PR in the process. I felt better afterwards, but the real test will be how I feel tomorrow. We'll see.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    15-08-11: SS #5
    Squat: 300x5x3
    Press: 172.5x5,5,4 <--- fuck
    Power-Clean: 175x2 <---fuck
    Chins: BW: 10, 9

    Fucked workout today. I need to stop banging my head (or rather, fucked wrist) against the wall with those cleans. Fuck.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Yesler's Palace, Seattle, WA


    Boy, you are sounding beat up. Nice work on the deadlift though. You'll be pulling 405 in no time!

    ETA: What's exactly the issue with cleaning? Lack of wrist flexibility in the rack? I suck terribly at power cleans, but I have found that widening out my grip more than I thought would work helped tremendously in finding a decent rack position. I still end up with the bar in my fingers, and my hands open, but it doesn't hurt my wrists at all.
    Last edited by tertius; 08-15-2011 at 05:47 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    Thanks for stopping by. The Deadlift is doing decently, yeah - I had some success following some advice from John Sheaffer which had me do a pull every other workout, doing either a Rack Pull from high pins (above knee) or deadlift. I probably could do 405 for reps right now, but slow and steady wins the race.

    Cleans always have a way of really messing with my mood, such a frustrating lift. Problem is I broke my left wrist a few years ago, and I have a metal plate in it. It's slightly painful even on a good day, and a shitty rack will just fuck it up in all sorts of ways. I've tried alot of stuff, but I just need to get through my head that until I get another operation (to remove the plate), cleans just aren't happening.

    I bought Justin Lasceks (sp?) E-Book on TM, and noticed he doesn't really use cleans, so I figure I'll be alright anyway, once I switch away from SS.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Yesler's Palace, Seattle, WA


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Danish Viking View Post
    Thanks for stopping by. The Deadlift is doing decently, yeah - I had some success following some advice from John Sheaffer which had me do a pull every other workout, doing either a Rack Pull from high pins (above knee) or deadlift. I probably could do 405 for reps right now, but slow and steady wins the race.

    Cleans always have a way of really messing with my mood, such a frustrating lift. Problem is I broke my left wrist a few years ago, and I have a metal plate in it. It's slightly painful even on a good day, and a shitty rack will just fuck it up in all sorts of ways. I've tried alot of stuff, but I just need to get through my head that until I get another operation (to remove the plate), cleans just aren't happening.

    I bought Justin Lasceks (sp?) E-Book on TM, and noticed he doesn't really use cleans, so I figure I'll be alright anyway, once I switch away from SS.
    Hell, a metal plate! That'll do you. You're not alone on cleans ruining your mood, either. They're a great source of frustration for a lot of us. Me included. Have you tried doing the power snatch instead? It's not as much weight, but I think it's kind of more fun than cleaning, and you still get the explosive effort. And going overhead is just cool. Or does the turn over at the top still fuck with your wrist too much?

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