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Thread: how sore is too sore?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default how sore is too sore?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    I am doing texas method and I am on my 7 week, this monday for volume squat I did 5x5 at 365 which is 83% of my max, I felt I was 2-3 reps from failure on all the sets, now I am super sore and i could not do my recovery squat workout.... I got to 135 for 8 and then I was on the floor with pain in my adductors/hamstrings/glutes... Is this bad? Should I just skip the recovery workout from here on out, or am I too advanced to use this set-up, meaning I am getting too good at damaging myself. I have a meet in 5 weeks I was planning no tapering with 2 weeks to go, so really I have 3 weeks of hard training left. I really like the texas method and this is the first recovery day I have been totally debilitated. Any advice would be great...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    We're going to need to know about your diet first.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    thats is impressive weight and I am just curious how tall you are and how much you weigh?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    ht 5'11
    wt 195-200 lb
    diet 3000-3500 kcals rest / training
    protein 270 - 320 grams
    carbs 300 - 500 grams
    fat 70 - 80 grams

    on workout days I eat a little bit more of everything, I am trying to stay in the 198's at this point, so if I start to sit above 200 too much I will restrict slightly on the weekends, I also will carb load like 300 grams at night prior to a big squat workout, that was the case this past workout, meaning I ate a bunch of shit this weekend before squating on Monday, then had a normal moderate carb day on Monday after my training.
    Tuesday I ate at maintainance 3000 kcals. This week after training on WEdnesday I was 195.6.

    Is that enough info?

    Food Name Amount Unit Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g) Delete
    Total 3,401 108.5 359.8 264.2
    EAS protein servinggramskglboz 240 6.0 4.0 46.0
    Drink mix, QUAKER OATS, GATORADE, orange flavor, powder cup powderscoop powdergramskglboz 45 0.1 10.8 0.0
    Tuna, canned cup, solid or chunks, drainedozcan (13 oz), drainedcan (6.5 oz), drainedgramskglboz 204 1.4 0.0 44.9
    Oats cupgramskglboz 778 13.8 132.5 33.8
    Fish oil, cod liver cuptbsptspgramskglboz 45 5.0 0.0 0.0
    Broccoli, raw cupcup, choppedcup, floweretsbunchfloweretspear (about 5" long)gramskglboz 34 0.4 6.6 2.8
    Salad dressing cuptablespoonpacketgramskglboz 60 6.2 1.4 0.1
    mt rx meal replacement servinggramskglboz 260 2.5 22.0 37.0
    Ice cream cuplarge scoop/dipmedium scoop/dipslicesmall scoop/dipgramskglboz 268 14.3 32.5 4.7
    Oats cupgramskglboz 78 1.4 13.3 3.4
    Peanut butter tablespoongramskglboz 376 32.2 12.5 16.1
    Rice Chex cuppiecegramskglboz 255 1.1 56.4 4.3
    turkey meat 93% servinggramskglboz 400 20.0 0.0 55.0
    Milk, evaporated, skim cupfl ozGuideline amount per fl oz of beveragegramskglboz 74 0.2 10.8 7.2
    Tomato sauce cupgramskglboz 91 2.9 13.8 2.4
    Beans, string, green, raw cupbeans (4" long)gramskglboz 68 0.3 15.7 4.0
    Pasta, corn, dry cupozgramskglboz 124 0.7 27.5 2.6
    Total 3,401 108.5 359.8 264.2
    this is a typical workout day diet for me
    Last edited by Mark Rippetoe; 09-09-2010 at 01:37 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Not enough calories, not enough fat. Have you just started reading this board? And 5' 11" is awfully tall for 198. I see no point in trying to compete in a weight class that you have to sacrifice training progress to stay in, unless you already dominate the class.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default eat more?

    So eat more then; how much would you rec? above 4,000 kcals?
    Still though, have you observed this level of soreness even with surplus calories, I am still sore and I really want to do my intensity day tomorrow but I may have to wait another day. I think I can squat 375 5x5 next week for volume day, but if I am going to get this sore again I may reconsider my programming.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Are you unable to search this board?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Fremont, CA



    Find someone about your size and eat twice as much as they do. Eat 1g of fat for every 1g of protein. Stop filling up on carbs. Add whole milk.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Recovery day is often a bitch.

    I think you can recover from 365x5x5 though. I'm also in the 198s and PR'd at 5x5x470, and I doubt I'm that much more of a genetic freak than you. Copious amounts of warm up sets with the just the bar is normally what I do....if I'm really stiff, then about 10-15 minutes of LIGHT sled dragging prior to your squat is also not a bad idea.

    What other exercises are you doing on your volume day??

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    I'm not sure if my experiences are shared by others, but when I took my 5x5 squat from 275-375 I almost never experienced soreness following volume day. A bit "dull and flat" feeling, but nothing incapacitating. Of course, GOMAD helps. Uncle Rip is usually right

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