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Thread: Starting Strength changed my life, can't thank you enough

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Default Starting Strength changed my life, can't thank you enough

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    I've struggled with severe major depression my entire life (it runs in my family) as well as obesity. For years, even with medium intensity cardio and no junk food in my diet, I've hovered around 35-40% bodyfat. I had tried strength training many years before, but I didn't really know what I was doing in the gym, and so got almost no results. Having gotten no results, I quit strength training.

    Fast forward to about three years ago. That's when I first read Starting Strength. At that point I was 27 years old and had done almost nothing with my life. I was a true loser.

    It took me a little over a year to really understand the Starting Strength program and get into the swing of things, but once I did, things changed rapidly. It probably took me another year to really build up the self discipline and mental toughness required to stick to the program. The gains I made probably could have been accomplished much quicker had I stuck to the program 100% and not injured myself a couple of times. But this program has done wonders for helping me build my self discipline, to the point where even missing one work out is a catastrophe in my mind. I have stuck to the program, rarely missing a workout, for about six months now, and that's where most of my strength gains have come from.

    I am 5'11" and 30 years old. Three years ago, I was 240 lbs at about 42 inch waist and at over 35% bf. Couldn't hold a steady job and so had money problems. Was really struggling with depression. My working set weights were pretty pitiful. I was even starting to feel joint pain in my knees, shoulders, elbows, and hands when I would wake up in the morning, which worried me, because rheumatoid arthritis also runs in my family.

    I am now 245 lbs at about 37 inch waist at about 27 or 28% bf. My working sets are as follows: Squat: 325x5x3, B. Press: 285x5x3, O Press: 175x5x3, Deadlift: 365x5x3, Powerclean: 155x5x3. Note that I am still making easy gains every workout (especially on my squats and deadlifts), so I don't think I'm anywhere close to exhausting my linear gains.
    I now am OFF antidepressants (first time I've been off them in over 20 years) and am feeling great, have a steady job, have NO joint pain, am about to finish my Bachelor's degree (finally), have a steady job which pays more than enough, and I even just got married (something I never thought would happen)!

    My goal is to exhaust my linear gains, and then try and get my bodyfat down to a reasonable level like 20%. Then I suppose I'll get into the Advanced Novice program.

    While Starting Strength has done wonders for increasing my strength, I have to credit it even more for increasing my confidence levels, getting my depression under control, and really just making a man out of me to the point where I'm now in control of my life.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Glad we could help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Provo, Utah


    Congratulations!!! Those are sweet numbers for a "novice." I know CrossFit fiends who look like Greek gods who can't move near that much weight.

    I'm thrilled your depression is better. I have loved ones who struggle with it. Working out really helps them too. Stick with it! Rip's program is fantastic.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Waverly, IA


    Awesome! Very jealous of your bench numbers!

  5. #5
    Brodie Butland is offline Starting Strength Coach
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Your story is very close to mine--even the married part. And as I've said on this forum before, one of the greatest things SS allowed me to do was carry my wife into our reception--which is a lot harder than it sounds given that you basically have to round-back front squat someone with an oversized and awkwardly shaped dress.

    Stories like yours and mine are precisely why I preach the Gospel of the Iron every chance I get. So from one recovered young man to another--Amen Brother!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Brodie Butland View Post
    you basically have to round-back front squat someone with an oversized and awkwardly shaped dress.
    Thank god that got typed correctly.

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