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Thread: Ulnar nerve dysfunction and squats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Ulnar nerve dysfunction and squats

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Coach, I have ulnar nerve dysfunction ( ) that is unbelievably painful when I squat. The problem has become much worse recently.

    As history, I dislocated the ulnar nerve, tore the glenoid labrum, tore a rotator cuff and frayed the bicep tendon of my left arm 2 years ago. Those diagnoses were made from MRI images and physical inspection. It hasn't given me any major problems until I've started to get heavier in my squats. I recently posted a video of my squat form ( ) which you told me were high-bar.

    I'm trying to get more into the low-bar position and getting treatment to address the shoulder issues (lack of flexibility and torn stuff) so I can get into the low-bar position better, but the prognosis has me being fixed in about 10 weeks.

    The pain I am in after squatting is pretty damn severe. My guess is that I'm impinging the nerve somewhere in the shoulder and after squats my left arm is completely useless for about 2 hours.

    Thanks for wading through all that. The question is, given these injuries, until I have improved flexibility and hopefully have no more impingement in 10 weeks, is there any modified way I can do squats which will cause relief to the arm?

    Thank you,

    -Andrew Spangler

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    If you're hurt this badly, you'll need to wait until the thing is better before you try the low-bar position. Just high-bar until you can lower the bar without destroying your shoulder.

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