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Thread: My SS experience

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default My SS experience

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi Coach, first lemme say I loved your book, I couldn't believe I would actually like a book as a gift ever in my life, but one of my friends knew I was into strength and conditioning and he bought it online for me, and I really enjoyed it(I still have it with me in the toilet, which is the most sacred place twice a day, so from a man to man u can't get any greater compliment then that).

    I started SS as 23 YO not too skinny(81KG) 1.85 student, my pants size was 42 and I could barely squat 50KGs(NOT KIDDING) because I never squatted in my life.

    After 5 months in SS:
    Squat- 132.5X3X5
    Bench- 92.5X3X5(bad tendonitis once, and a swolen wrist once, due to insufficient warmup+ working without a spotter like a fool, hoping to catch up at TM)
    OHP- 65X3X5
    PC- 70X5X3(stopped cleaning a while ago and started to ROW)
    BOR- 80X3X6
    Chins- 3X6XBW(my best is a set of 8, barely)

    Let me say I tried to advance without having a light day in the middle of the week until I literally got smashed under the bar and had my first and only squat deload in the program.
    I found the program extremly demanding, I got hurt twice on the BP for being an arrogant fool and training without a spotter, and had overtraining fatigue when i didn't sleep well(damn university, why do they have to give u such a hard time with the math and physics!)

    Current weight is 103KG and pants size is 48(like an adult male!), thinking to finish SS in 6 weeks, then lose some body fat and start another program.
    BTW, what would be the best routine in your opinion in order to lose some body fat(9-11 weeks or so) and maintain most of my strength?
    I don't really care about the excess body fat, but I know I could get up to 120 on the next program and hardly be able to tie my own shoes, which would suck. I wanna lose some body fat, and start the new program at a relatively low body fat, then eat careless again(big meat fanatic)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Is this a joke?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Jefferson View Post
    Is this a joke?
    I wondered the same thing until I saw that the weight is in kilograms and the pant sizes are european.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Regin Smidur View Post
    and the pant sizes are european.
    Thank God.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Try this:

    • Drop the junk food
    • Go lighter on the milk
    • Eat just a little less
    • Train really hard.

    After 12 weeks you will have a sense of what is working and what isn't.

  6. #6
    manisstrong Guest


    Haha, I thought the pants sizes were in inches, was like what??

    Anyway, as for the program during your cut, I would just keep doing starting strength, and just trying to maintain weight on the bar. And just reduce how much you are eating, while keeping protein high.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by TomC View Post
    Try this:

    • Drop the junk food
    • Go lighter on the milk
    • Eat just a little less
    • Train really hard.

    After 12 weeks you will have a sense of what is working and what isn't.
    Great advice as always. If 4 (training) is a given, I find that easing up on milk and cutting junk is more than enough to shed fat. If you eat clean you can eat as much as you can stuff down, and still not gain more weight, is my experience - i.e. 3 (eat less) might actually not even be necessary.

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