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Thread: Squat Deadlift Form Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Default Squat Deadlift Form Check

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    St. Paul MN


    The biggest issue I see is that you're not effectively setting your spine in extension before you pull. This is STEP 4 and cannot be skipped. The blue book describes Step 4 as initiating a "wave of extension" of the spine that starts at the thoracic spine (Chest Up cue) and continues down through the lumbar. Your pelvis should tilt (Rip says drop your junk down between your knees). You should feel really uncomfortable in your hamstrings as they fight your spinal erectors.

    Additionally, you're dropping your hips a bit too much and kicking the bar forward of midfoot on Step 3. So watch out for that too.

    You're breaking/bending at the knees slightly before the hips. They should break simultaneously and the back angle should be at its most bent over by about halfway down. Your back angle changes throughout most of the descent. So try to break at the hips sooner and more than you are right now ("master cue" helps with this).

    On the way up you're lifting the chest and looking at yourself in the mirror. Look down, ignore that guy in the mirror, and drive up with your hips, not your chest (stay in the hips).

    Keep working!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2018


    Thanks a lot! I have some new videos I'm gonna post later today but that was all very helpful.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Garage of GainzZz


    Squat stance is wide; can’t really tell from too flat a viewing angle. Form check video sticky.

    Knees need to come forward over toes more.

    Burn the Chucks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    State College, PA


    Hey man!

    These gentleman have you off to a good start here.

    To reiterate the big things here...

    You're squatting in your heels. Narrow the stance ~3"and keep your toes glued to the floor. If you do this right, your knees will travel a little more forward than they're doing here.

    Setting the back is your major issue here. Get your eyes focused 10-15ft forward rather than straight down. Think about simultaneously lifting your sternum and tailbone towards the ceiling to pull your back into a "U" shape.


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