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Thread: Lower back injury

  1. #1

    Default Lower back injury

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Strained my lower back OLing due to my own neglegence. Dosen't seem extreemly serious. However I am in significant discomfort. I am wondering if the info on the rehab for muscular belly injuries will work for th prosterier and if so should I use a low bar squat or go with something more similar to the lift I injured my self with like a DL.

    I have a couple of days at least before I even do anything. However, I am determined to care for my self as well as I can and would greatly apreciate your input.

    Liam Dougherty Springer

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    It was actually developed by Starr following a back injury, so I know it works pretty well, depending on the nature of your injury. Go see your chiropractor about it first, and then start the rehab in a few days.

  3. #3


    Thanx I saw my Chiropracter and she says I will heal quickly given a good diet and rest. I will begin rehab once I feel able. I find it extreemly admirable you are willing to contribute your time in such a significant manner to our community by maintaining this thread. I watch all the videos of yours on the crossfit website and found your recent article in CF Journal on the LBBS interesting and informative.

    Thanx Coach,

    Liam Dougherty Springer

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