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Thread: Australian Rules Football and Lifting for Older Athlete

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Default Australian Rules Football and Lifting for Older Athlete

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    Hey guys

    I’m a 46 year old guy who just started playing AFL Masters (a variant of AFL cover 35s). Being from the UK it’s a totally new game for me but I like a challenge! I’ve only played 3 games (I started late in the season)and the practice consists of 1.5 hours a week (followed by beers and hotdogs!) so far I’ve maintained my NLP although that was slowed by a lock down, requiring a reset. I normally do a light squat day prior to practice and that seems to work. Anyway the season is finishing soon and I plan to push my NLP as far as possible before pushing into intermediate lifting to get strong for a full season. I still need to work on my skills (mainly kicking) and also my general fitness but was wondering if anyone had any advice re integrating lifting and preparing for fit and skills (a lot of running required). I have read the two factor sports articles but was wondering if anyone had any experience to share regarding AFL or any other football association. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Hamstrings and knees are what cripples older players.

    What position do you play?

    When does the season re-start?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2019


    Varies but usually left or right front pocket although I did have a run in the centre last weekend. Season usually restarts in April.
    I’m 46 years old, 5’ 7, 91kg 10 weeks into NLP. Current lifts in kg for 3 sets of 5 - squat 110kg, press 45kg, bench 65kg, deadlift 135kg for set of 5 and power clean 5 sets of 3 at 51kg. Had to deload a bit because of a lockdown which closed the gym for 2 weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2019


    I guess no one on this forum plays AFL? I’m reading the grey book so hopefully will get some insight from there.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    North Texas


    Nobody in Australia plays it. You're not "allowed."

  6. #6
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    Apr 2019


    In the Eastern States it’s ‘allowed’ but with no crowds. In West Australia where I am it’s pretty much business as usual, no masks, crowds at football and sports events are ‘allowed’. But I take your point, it’s not for them to ‘allow’ anything, should be our decision. I guess being a 46 year old guy practising Masters football (basically football for fun) and thinking ahead, I was looking for advice on the right balance between lifting and practicing my sport as an older player.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by LuciusSulla View Post
    I guess no one on this forum plays AFL? I’m reading the grey book so hopefully will get some insight from there.
    What do you expect? You are 46 year old novice. Your numbers in bench, press and deadlift are day 1 numbers for an average manual labor worker who is 10 kg lighter than you. There is not that much to say about your programing. Your main goal right now shoud be to get stronger ASAP. Eat, sleep, focus on your novice linear progression, have fun with your buddies on the filed. Few pointers that I think are essentian for you are:
    1. Your main goal should be to get stronger.
    2. Your football traing should be light to a point it can be consider an off day. At least to a point in time when you will be consider a strong person. Than you can make a transision to more football training.
    3. Get your testosteron check. You seem to have a high expectation from your body. If yours test is low - fix it.
    4. Put a huge emphasis on what you eat - both the quality and quantity
    5. Get enough rest. You will need it. Your not 20 anymore, that means you can get injured more easily

    Thats it. Your programing should be straight forward.

  8. #8
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by LuciusSulla View Post
    In the Eastern States it’s ‘allowed’ but with no crowds. In West Australia where I am it’s pretty much business as usual, no masks, crowds at football and sports events are ‘allowed’. But I take your point, it’s not for them to ‘allow’ anything, should be our decision. I guess being a 46 year old guy practising Masters football (basically football for fun) and thinking ahead, I was looking for advice on the right balance between lifting and practicing my sport as an older player.
    If I were you, I would just continue to train the strength program, and play football at the games only. Stronger is going to help your elderly ass much more than practicing a sport that you're just doing for fun anyway.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    The masters guys that I see at my local club are mostly divided into two groups. The guys who do it for fun and those who still think they are 20 and immortal.

    Do your LP properly, let the footy sort itself out. I would train like a demon during the off season and maybe worry about cardio/running a month out from the season start. For someone playing out of a pocket I'd be doing lots of short sprints instead of endless laps of the oval, when the time comes.

  10. #10
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    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Szymon View Post
    What do you expect? You are 46 year old novice. Your numbers in bench, press and deadlift are day 1 numbers for an average manual labor worker who is 10 kg lighter than you. There is not that much to say about your programing. Your main goal right now shoud be to get stronger ASAP. Eat, sleep, focus on your novice linear progression, have fun with your buddies on the filed. Few pointers that I think are essentian for you are:
    1. Your main goal should be to get stronger.
    2. Your football traing should be light to a point it can be consider an off day. At least to a point in time when you will be consider a strong person. Than you can make a transision to more football training.
    3. Get your testosteron check. You seem to have a high expectation from your body. If yours test is low - fix it.
    4. Put a huge emphasis on what you eat - both the quality and quantity
    5. Get enough rest. You will need it. Your not 20 anymore, that means you can get injured more easily

    Thats it. Your programing should be straight forward.
    Firstly, ‘ouch!’ Secondly ‘thanks I probably needed that’. I was diagnosed with low testosterone 2 years ago and have been on TRT ever since, but I think the psychology of training hard and not like a pussy is something I am trying to overcome in my NLP. Starting Strength; the best practical therapy for what ails you. Also I, in common with many 40 plus guys live a largely sedentary life revolving around desk based work, kids, wife etc. so that’s probably why my totals are lower than your average day one manual labourer 10kg lighter than me. That said although I feel the muscle growing I probably could lose 10kg of blubber and still gain strength. However I am not going to even try that until I reach the end of NLP and have actually gotten strong. The football season is practically over until April next year, so after today’s game (the final one for me this season) I’m going to double down on getting strong, clean up my diet and do a bit of skills training (ie kicking the ball in the park with my kids). If I lose any fat, then great, but that’s a side effect of getting strong and not a goal yet. Once again thanks for the honest critique and advice.

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