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Thread: Squat Form Check For Young Lifter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Squat Form Check For Young Lifter

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    Hey guys,

    So recently I've injured my left leg, and have been unable to squat deep for a few weeks without some discomfort. One day I went to squat and noticed I wasn't 100% after facing some minor pain the workout before, so I lowered the weight and stopped. The pain is hard to describe, I can feel it when I sit, spread my legs and lean to the left. Does anyone have any idea on what this is?

    Anyhow, seeing as how I seemingly injured myself squatting, I thought it would be a good idea to post a video and see if my form was glaringly bad.

    A few things I note: My feet tend to come off the ground a little as I'm on my toes, I don't sit back enough (?), I tend to dive-bomb sometimes, lack of hip drive, too wide stance (?) etc

    If you guys could point out some of my other flaws and share some light on how to fix them I'd greatly appreciate it!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    It looks pretty decent to me...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    I think your feet are pointing out too much and in an effort to "sit back enough" when you start the descent you're breaking at the hips first instead of hips and knees at the same time - it's only minor though. Otherwise these look ok. Not that I can help with the leg pain but it would help to know where in your leg it is.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by scwot View Post
    I think your feet are pointing out too much and in an effort to "sit back enough" when you start the descent you're breaking at the hips first instead of hips and knees at the same time - it's only minor though. Otherwise these look ok. Not that I can help with the leg pain but it would help to know where in your leg it is.

    Thanks for the advice! My stance is always something that's kind of bugged me, I find that when I do the advocated "bodyweight squat stretch" my stance as to be very wide and my toes have to point out a lot to accommodate my elbows. Is this a product of having longer arms, or the way it should be? As a result when I squat my stance is slightly narrower but my toes still point out more than the pictures in SSBBT.

    My heels are also coming off the ground a little, I think from me trying hard to sit back. How can I correct this?

    For my leg, the pain is hard to localize but it feels like its at the underside of the base of my hip, where the tendons attach I guess (?). My understanding of leg anatomy is limited so its hard to describe!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    The pain could be hip flexors but, from my limited knowledge, this is normally something that happens when you don't shove your knees out enough, but you do. Hopefully someone else can chip in on this.

    If you bring your foot angle in a bit and think "heels" not "sit back" this should help/stop you coming up on your toes - although again it's not too bad.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    Hip flexors? Could this have anything to do with a bad rebound? I can't exactly pinpoint why I injured myself so if there is nothing obviously bad about my squat I guess it must have just been a relapse during a tired set. I just don't want to have to deal with a reoccurring injury.

    In the meantime, what should I do to replace squats? I accept that my strength will be lost but should I substitute lunges in maybe? Keep in mind that I have only a barbell to train with as of right now.

    Other input onto my leg injury and form would be great, thanks for the replies so far!

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