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Thread: Opinions for the 5/3/1

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Adelaide, South Australia

    Default Opinions for the 5/3/1

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    Hi Guys - I've been doing a fair bit of research into the 5/3/1 (4 day split) and am seriously considering giving it a go. Before I commit though, I'd really appreciate any opinions or advice from people who have used the program. Whilst most of what I have read has been positive, there is also a little bit of negative sentiment about it, and I must admit, I've been harbouring a few concerns of my own.

    The program seems to devote a large percentage of training time to some quite low percentages, and in week one and two (of the 4 week cycle) you're really using weights well below what you'd normally use, and there is this overwhelming sensation that you're setting yourself back a long way because you cut 10% off your 1RM up front, then work to low percentages of that already reduced figure.

    I know the program is all about slow and steady progress (often described as two steps forward and one step back) but I'd really appreciate hearing from anyone who has used the program - successfully or not!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Sydney, Australia


    It depends on lots of factors, like your lifting and life stages. I would never have had the time to do TM, but i can get my 5/3/1 workout into my lunch hour. I've been doing 5/3/1 for 7 weeks now, and it gets tougher. I thought it was too light at the start but it does ramp up. I haven't done a deload week yet as I don't think I need it. My advice is to read beyond 5/3/1 because it includes options options to work with heavier weights.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Adelaide, South Australia


    Thanks RugbySmartarse - I've heard a number of people say they've skipped the deload week - what do you do during that week instead - do you just re-set and make the program 3 weeks instead of 4?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Jordan made some good suggestions about how to modify 531.

    I've done both 531 and TM. 531 works, but TM works better. 531 doesn't have enough volume at the right intensity, especially for the pressing movements.

    I think you should do the standard 3 day TM until you get strong enough that you need a 4 day split. I use the 4 day split from PPST3 except with power cleans twice per week:

    Mon - BP/OP 5x5, Chins 3xMAX/3x5
    Tue - PC 10x1, SQ 5x5
    Thu - Rack BP 5x1/OP 5x1, 90% OP/BP 3x5
    Fri - PC 10x1, SQ 5x1, HDL 8x1/RP 5x1

    EDIT: Maybe Jordan was saying how to modify 531 during a caloric deficit. But I think his position is that what builds muscle best also maintains it best, so the modifications might be appropriate for anyone using 531.

    I think this would work well too: do 5 sets across at 85% of training max (but just a 5RM for deadlifts) on the 5 week, skip the 3 week, do 5 singles across at 95% on the 1 week, and skip the deload.
    Last edited by wk105; 04-18-2014 at 02:36 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    I have made good progress with 531 on my presses, but my squats are stagnant.

    The work sets are easy, the volume stuff is murder. I think that the volume on the Big but Boring setup drives presses.

    The WOs are quick, which is the main reason I am running it.

    Like everything else, it seems to be very individualized. Try it and see if it is for you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Last edited by Str8shutr; 04-18-2014 at 04:34 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Sydney, Australia


    Yep, just start again at week 1. As it gets tougher I may take them if I think I need them.

    Also, I do a boring but big as 5*5@80%. I think this helps a bit to drive the lifts.

    Overall I think the programming has a lot of options to individualise

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Milwaukee, WI


    You might also want to look into Karl's 5/1 program, which basically cuts out the "3" week and the deload week from the standard 5/3/1 program. It makes the progress happen a little bit quiker.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin


    The original textbook 5-3-1 is too low volume for me and so is the intensity. However, there are so many customizations to the program in all the books Wendler has written that 531 isn't just a program rather a training philosophy.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Lynchburg, VA


    starting strength coach development program
    I was wondering about this too, because I was planning on switching to 5/3/1 once my novice linear progression stalls out or slows down. It seems like if you can add weight to your training max each cycle, you're making progress.

    Are yall saying that doesn't work (the volume is too low/light to add weight each cycle) or that the progress it just slower than you prefer?

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