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Thread: Bulgarian volume training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Bulgarian volume training

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    A recent interview with John Broz has sparked some interesting discussion over at the powerlifting section on the board.

    Wanted to get your opinion on this method of training Rip. Seems it goes against a lot of the standard notion of rest times and has you eventually maxing out every day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    When the Bulgarian team can pass a drug test, you might care what they do in training. Until that time.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    This is about John Broz taking that training and bringing it to America. Nothing to do with drugs at all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Think about it...

    It has everything to do with drugs......and a genetically narrowed down (and huge) trainee pool, and the practicality of such training when working out isn't your job. Such training is the ticket when you have super genes, various drugs and doc's to monitor their use, and nothing to do but train for two, four hour blocks 6-7 days a week.....Sure, bring it to the US.....I'm sure it'll catch right on....

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by ZKP View Post
    It has everything to do with drugs......and a genetically narrowed down (and huge) trainee pool, and the practicality of such training when working out isn't your job. Such training is the ticket when you have super genes, various drugs and doc's to monitor their use, and nothing to do but train for two, four hour blocks 6-7 days a week.....Sure, bring it to the US.....I'm sure it'll catch right on....
    Exactly. And this is a good thing.

    This isn't for recreational "athletes." This is for competitors who are indeed genetically elite and willing to devote their lives to perfection in their sport.

    Bring it on. It will catch on with those serious about winning and with the talent to do it.

    P.S. I have an easy life and I tried this stuff years ago and actually got fairly adept at the full versions of the lifts after months of daily practice. I was skinny and weak as hell with no genetic endowment, but I got up to a bodyweight full snatch @ 150 lbs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Google American Bulgarian systems. coaches in this country have tried for years to apply the bulgarian system without drugs. After a few weeks, everyone blows up on it. Even the Bulgarian coaches (and others who use it) will say that it takes a 10 year build up to be able to handle it in full. And they are USING DRUGS.

    So no it doesn't matter what he's trying to do. The system is only surivable in teh long-term with drugs.

    But wait, I knew I had seen teh name before

    Broz apparently sez to the effect of:
    "It'll be interesting to see what happens with Avg Broz gym. John Broz has only been coaching for a year, and his athletes aren't part of USAW, so I don't think they're tested. He says he doesn't want his athletes to compete in national competitions because it'll lower their expectations if they win those, since the U.S. is so far behind the rest of the world."

    Let me translate that for you: They test in the US and my guys are juiced and couldn't pass. So we won't compete there but I'll make up a bullshit excuse for it instead of copping to it.

    But tell you what, don't believe me, what do I know. go try it and let us know what happens. IN 3-4 weeks you'll either be injured, overtrained or both

    Good luck with yoru msucles

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by timt View Post
    A recent interview with John Broz has sparked some interesting discussion over at the powerlifting section on the board.

    Wanted to get your opinion on this method of training Rip. Seems it goes against a lot of the standard notion of rest times and has you eventually maxing out every day.
    Do you honestly believe, your muscles, joints, and ligaments, can even come close to recovering from this? We wont' even discuss CNS recovery.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    We're all making points that aren't exactly contradictory but are aimed as such..... The fact is, without super genes, good luck. If that's you you'd know it already. With drugs more of us could do it. As far as drugs go the rules say no. If you think it's a stupid rule, ok....but those are the rules. If you want to break the rule and try to get away with it, ok............but that's what it is. Or start your own Fed......The thing is that people have a burning desire to achieve their goals at all costs. Imagination, justification, and excuses over power honesty and reason. More is not always better, for us non superhero types

  9. #9


    Your points and concerns are all valid, but I'm discovering that there is little that a few thousand mg of ibuprofen and a gallon and a half of whole milk each day won't cure.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    starting strength coach development program
    The stupid in this forum has went from ankle to knee to hip deep in a matter of weeks.

    It's remarkable enough to comment on.

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