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Thread: Press before Squats?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Perth, Australia

    Default Press before Squats?

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    I am struggling to get all reps with 60kg on the press. I think this is due to physical and mental fatigue after squats.

    being that I...

    A) Want to focus on increasing my press


    B) Want to be able to reduce my workouts to under an hour in order to workout at lunchtime

    ...would it hurt to press first, then squat, then either DLs, cleans or pullups last (no benching)

    I'm thinking this would allow me to press whilst not fatigued, and then immediately begin squat warmups with my press weight - cutting out plate changing time, and the time it takes to recover from squats enough to start pressing.

    I think I've seen pressing first suggested a couple of times recently.

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    I've been doing this. So far, I've been liking it, because the deadlift has been my least difficult lift (in terms of nearness to stalling), so I'm OK going into it while still somewhat fatigued from the squats. However, I recently failed on the cleans for the first time (apart from early form-related misses), and I think squatting immediately before cleaning is what's to blame. So I'm thinking about changing back to the standard order, i.e. squat first, at least on cleaning days.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by aussieluke View Post
    I am struggling to get all reps with 60kg on the press. I think this is due to physical and mental fatigue after squats.

    being that I...

    A) Want to focus on increasing my press


    B) Want to be able to reduce my workouts to under an hour in order to workout at lunchtime

    ...would it hurt to press first, then squat, then either DLs, cleans or pullups last (no benching)

    I'm thinking this would allow me to press whilst not fatigued, and then immediately begin squat warmups with my press weight - cutting out plate changing time, and the time it takes to recover from squats enough to start pressing.

    I think I've seen pressing first suggested a couple of times recently.

    Any thoughts?
    What's your progress on the press (in lbs from workout to workout)?. Doing the press first will still be problematic:
    a) B/c the squat is harder and you are going to do it as 2nd exercise in the workout, being fatigued by the press;
    b) The squat helps you warm up better than the press.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I've had the same problem, yay long arms.

    I found when i did 5/3/1 i got a lot further in the overhead press due to the lower volume. I'd probs keep squatting first and wait until youre on a lower volume routine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Nashville, TN


    Anything you do before anything else has the potential to effect subsequent exercises. If doing the press first kills your squat (doubtful), stop doing it, but try it and see. Only problem is that the press normally separates the squat and deadlift giving you time to recover (relatively speaking) between very stressful movements.

    I would only rearrange exercise order if you're certain there isn't a form problem affecting your press progress.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Perth, Australia


    Well I just found out for myself

    Had my first lunchtime workout at the gym across the road from the office.

    Pressed first.

    Turns out squatting warms you and particularly your lower back up nicely for pressing. (obvious)

    Was too easy to lean back too much and my lower back was sore after pressing. I'm pretty sure my form is usually good - the only problem being keeping the bar close enough to my face.

    As I was much less warmed up than usual this was even harder.

    only managed 4, 5, 4 at 60kg

    got all squat reps fine afterwards (122.5kg) with good depth. I did think pressing first helped loosen my shoulders up more than usual which meant the bar felt in a much better position on my back.

    Ran out of time to deadlift though. Had to get back to work.

    the best thing though, I discovered a gym that is AWESOME!! ...squat rack, power rack, iron, bumpers, platforms... ...I asked if I could use chalk - he said do whatever the hell you want!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by aussieluke View Post

    the best thing though, I discovered a gym that is AWESOME!! ...squat rack, power rack, iron, bumpers, platforms... ...I asked if I could use chalk - he said do whatever the hell you want!
    You are a lucky guy, my gym has none of the above mentioned elements...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Perth, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by LeonidasfromSparta View Post
    You are a lucky guy, my gym has none of the above mentioned elements...
    annoying thing is, I've been working here for 3 years and I've only just found it!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by aussieluke View Post
    annoying thing is, I've been working here for 3 years and I've only just found it!
    Well better late then never my friend.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by aussieluke View Post
    I am struggling to get all reps with 60kg on the press. I think this is due to physical and mental fatigue after squats.

    being that I...

    A) Want to focus on increasing my press


    B) Want to be able to reduce my workouts to under an hour in order to workout at lunchtime

    ...would it hurt to press first, then squat, then either DLs, cleans or pullups last (no benching)

    I'm thinking this would allow me to press whilst not fatigued, and then immediately begin squat warmups with my press weight - cutting out plate changing time, and the time it takes to recover from squats enough to start pressing.

    I think I've seen pressing first suggested a couple of times recently.

    Any thoughts?
    I've done pressing movements first, as they're a weakness of mine, but I wouldn't suggest it if you are still a relative noob. Also, even (or should I say, especially) when warming up for 200+ kg squats, I do SEVERAL sets with just the bar first. Using your press warmup is lazy, IMO.

    And on a final note, benching helps the press. If your goal is a big press, get a big bench to go along with it.

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