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Thread: Clean and Dealift form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France

    Default Clean and Dealift form check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Greetings, Mr Rippetoe

    I'll come straight to the point as I know you are quite busy.
    I would like to get your opinion on two of my lifts. Also, I would like to ask you a question about applying the Starr rehab protocol to an arm injury.

    First, the lifts.

    These are two videos of my Power Clean:

    set 2 of 5, side view: (action starts on second 15)
    set 5 of 5, front view: (action starts on second 16)

    And this is a video of the last warm-up set for my deadlift (apologies for cutting part of the body, I'm a bit new to making videos): (action starts on second 24).

    I am aware that at the beginning of the lift the backside raises a bit before the shoulders join in, and I'll work to change that. My main concern is about the starting position. People who have seen this video have commented that I should sit lower, hence bringing the shoulders slightly back and on top of the bar. If I remember correctly what you wrote in your book, it's the scapulae which should go on top of the bar, but I'll defer to your judgement.

    And now for the rehab question.
    Last week, while doing the Power Clean, something snapped in my right forearm. To give you an idea of the place where I felt the tinge, turn the arm with the palm upwards, and put a finger where the needle goes when you give blood. Now move half an inch down, towards the wrist. The area around this point was a bit sore at the touch.

    Just for curiosity's sake, let's assume I suffered some vascular body injury to some muscles in that area. What would be a good exercise to apply the Starr rehab method in this case, if there's one at all ?

    I thank you very much for your time, and wish you a good day.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    If the scapulae are vertically over the bar, the front of the shoulders is forward of the bar. Looks like both deadlift reps were off-balance on your toes, so I'd fix that by getting your weight OFF your toes before you pull. Your shoulders looked good on the second rep, and the bar path was vertical and efficient. Your cleans need to look more like your deadlifts.

    As for the injury, and small muscle belly tear in the forearm will heal without your particular attention. Ice it and go forward.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France


    Many thanks for your time and your advice.

    You were right about the injury (no surprise there): I could deadlift without any problems just four days later.

    Have a good day,


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