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Thread: That RedHeaded Chick named Shelley

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    From Wichita Falls, Tx.

    Post That RedHeaded Chick named Shelley

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I've sat down to start this probably 10 times and work seems to always get the best of me. I'm finally taking a few moments to get started on a log. I will do my best to post my workouts as often as I can =)

    I could type for hours about my history, but to make it simple and sweet... I am a recovering ballet dancer. 20 years of torturing my body did some damage, but SS came into my life and saved me. Josh brought me into WFAC, Rip didn't kick me out for being too bony and my life immediately changed. I got strong, healthy & focused my education on being able to do for others what SS did for me. I was fortunate enough to have been asked to be in the SS DVD as a novice, purely for the fact that I now have video documentation of myself as a beginner on all the lifts. I recently watched it for the first time and was astonished at how awful everything looked! I remember the power clean (although I didn't understand it) being the only lift that made sense to me, lol. Watching myself, weird as it was, made me stop for a minute and look at the big picture. I can be really hard on myself when I have a shitty training day (as I'm sure many others are too), but when I look at just how far I have come from day 1...It makes even the bad days feel that much better.

    My stats:
    Age: 30
    Ht: 5'5 1/2" (5'6" ish if you count my hair)
    BW: I float between 145-155 depending on my training. Thats up from 125-130 when I started training.

    Best Lifts:
    Squat:260 lbs
    DL:240 (my worst lift!)
    Press:105 lbs
    Bench:135 lbs
    C&J: 75 kg
    Snatch: 50kg (switched to split snatch about a year ago)

    Ballet left me with nagging left hip, groin and foot injuries that I'll push through until a surgical intervention is completely necessary. Telling me I shouldn't squat isn't the right answer. It does however prevent me from being able to Front Squat heavy, OH Squat/Squat Snatch and high rep anything involving my hip makes it very angry.

    Currently: Moved to NYC just over a year ago. Training has been very sporatic since moving here. Took months just to find a place to actually train. I was fortunate enough to have only trained at WFAC, but my world was turned upside down when all of a sudden I had nowhere to train. I had my ladies Oly bar, but nowhere to use it. Resorted to a CF, which turned out to be a great thing because we are able to do SS training camps at the facility. I finally have a place to train, but my work schedule and the inability to eat throughout the day often gets in the way of my progress. Any advice on balancing work, training and life is much needed!

    Goals are all over the place right now. The last event I started training for didn't work out because of work and leaving the city is literally a pain in the ass. I hope to have some direction after a much needed vacation for the SS coaches convention Next week...
    Last edited by Shelley Hancock; 11-06-2012 at 10:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Very glad you are posting here. You should be posting in the competitive journals though - not the intermediates.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    From Wichita Falls, Tx.


    I talked to Josh earlier. We thought since I wasn't training for anything specific at the moment that I should stay in the intermediate. I'll move it if you think I should...?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default That RedHeaded Chick named Shelley

    Welcome Shelley! Can't wait to see you next week. Very glad that you finally started your log. It will be good for you and people will learn a lot from you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    From Wichita Falls, Tx.


    So excited to see you guys! And get to train! Will probably re-approach your program when we get back. I've literally demanded my schedule to change or I will move my clients hours myself =)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New York


    The gang's all here!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Somewhere on a Quest


    Wow, what a powerhouse! A 240lb deadlift and its your 'perceived' worst movement. Awesome!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    From Wichita Falls, Tx.

    Default Wed 9/26 workout

    Doing a little clean up work & trying to see where my #'s are this week before going to Texas nxt Tuesday. My L hip has been very cranky due to a lot of walking over the last 2 weeks, so I've backed off the weight & reps a bit. Quite a few clients cancelled today because of the Jewish holiday, so I actually got to eat lunch & hoped for a decent training day.

    Bench Press (haven't gone heavy in a while cause I'm usually alone)
    140x1x4 (a PR for 1R)
    Felt good, so loaded 145 to see if I'd get it. Went super easy. Got a little confident so wanted to see if 150 would go. Hit a little high on my chest & couldn't get it. Pretty confident I can get it nxt week.
    Dropped to 125x5x3

    Felt ok...Hip & groin were super tight. Often makes it difficult to keep my L knee out.
    Will push the weight a bit on Sat.

    Split Snatch
    Haven't snatched in over a week due to schedule & days I could train at facility w/ bumper plates. No need to say more than it just wasnt a good snatch day.

    Chin ups

    Have video, but don't have it together to post yet.
    Time to eat now!
    Last edited by Shelley Hancock; 09-26-2012 at 06:31 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    From Wichita Falls, Tx.


    Yay!! =) now that you've got weekends off, hopefully we can train together occasionally!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    From Wichita Falls, Tx.


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Oldster View Post
    Wow, what a powerhouse! A 240lb deadlift and its your 'perceived' worst movement. Awesome!
    I mainly mean that in comparison to my squat. I've odly always squared more than I can DL. I blame it on having a super flexible back & can't stay tight.

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