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Thread: What to do

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Default What to do

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    Hello Rip,

    A long time lurker and a big fan here. Finally I hopped on board to ask you a question regarding my current situation. I hope you can see how big of an asset I see when looking up to you, because of the given fact that I do not have literally no one to mentor me. So, you, the experienced and helpful coaches, are literally gems. That's my take on it.

    A mandatory introduction to provide a peek to my lifting life:

    I have started lifting 3.5 years ago. I was your typical skinny fat dude with 6.2 feet and 230 lbs. I have done some 6 month long of fuckarounditis (by the end of the post you will probably conclude I have done a fuckarounditis all my lifting career which I can't deny) and then been introduced to SS by a buddy of mine. Hindsight, I was well in YNDTP, but SS still taught me the big 4 and in the meantime I put up some weight on the bar. I have tried TM, after I have stalled out (did not realize I was YNDTP back then). Not surprisingly, it stalled out pretty fast as well. Afterwards, I have been here and there jumping on and off with some programs. The one that I would like to point out was the Wendler's 5/3/1 which I have done from 2016 November to May 2017. From Feb 2017 to May 2017, I have gained 28 lbs getting close to 230 lbs again. My estimated one rep maxes at that time was around S/B/D/P: 335/225/390/170 lbs respectively. Mind you that my eating/sleeping and probably training too were not optimal. The 3 golden rules were never successfully preached and practiced ever in my life till now.

    Cut to the chase and fastforward part:

    For the first time in my life, I am cooking what I am eating, counting what's been put in, sleeping well (around 7-8 hrs) and training without skipping a session. The weight is 194 lbs. My current goal is to drop to 190 and clean bulk from there to 210. I am close to get out from a cut cycle. I currently do a weekly linear progression with 3x5 squats, 3x5 bench and 1x5 deads. My current maxes with the given scheme 250/165/308. Squats & deads feel like there is a good room for improvement. Bench is hella hard. And I know, my lifts are terrible for a 4 year old

    After the wall of text comes the question, what do you think I should do as my next program? First, I wanted to start from scratch with SS, but I am probably not a novice anymore. Maybe TM? I would love to hear your opinion on this! As I said, I am in need of an aid!

    Thanks for being a part of the journey and reading thus far!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    The default is to always start with the LP, done precisely as the program calls for. There may be 200 pounds of total just laying there to gain.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    OK. I get where you are pointing at. However there is something that grinds my gears. There seems to be a dichotomy. Shall I be opting for a program that has more volume than the LP in order to facilitate my gains? Because I feel like the neural/body adaptation, the novice gains, might have been gone and depleted. Thanks a lot Mr. Rip. Have a good day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Why would more volume be necessary to facilitate your gains?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    I was thinking the more volume approach may be essential to proceed in my scenario. The program packed with volume would help for the sake of hypertrophy. That is true, granted I can no longer benefit off of the LP. Now that I have mentioned it, may you please be more specific? Do you suggest SS/TM or something else?

    The argument is a greater size usually corresponds to a greater strength. Thus, the bigger the volume to opt for.

    However, I tend to think in my case you envision there are still gains waiting to be scooped up in an LP scheme. Hence, I should "start with the LP and follow it precisely as the program calls for". Is that correct?

    Thank you!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by jacquamous View Post
    Hello Rip,

    A long time lurker and a big fan here. Finally I hopped on board to ask you a question regarding my current situation. I hope you can see how big of an asset I see when looking up to you, because of the given fact that I do not have literally no one to mentor me. So, you, the experienced and helpful coaches, are literally gems. That's my take on it.

    A mandatory introduction to provide a peek to my lifting life:

    I have started lifting 3.5 years ago. I was your typical skinny fat dude with 6.2 feet and 230 lbs. I have done some 6 month long of fuckarounditis (by the end of the post you will probably conclude I have done a fuckarounditis all my lifting career which I can't deny) and then been introduced to SS by a buddy of mine. Hindsight, I was well in YNDTP, but SS still taught me the big 4 and in the meantime I put up some weight on the bar. I have tried TM, after I have stalled out (did not realize I was YNDTP back then). Not surprisingly, it stalled out pretty fast as well. Afterwards, I have been here and there jumping on and off with some programs. The one that I would like to point out was the Wendler's 5/3/1 which I have done from 2016 November to May 2017. From Feb 2017 to May 2017, I have gained 28 lbs getting close to 230 lbs again. My estimated one rep maxes at that time was around S/B/D/P: 335/225/390/170 lbs respectively. Mind you that my eating/sleeping and probably training too were not optimal. The 3 golden rules were never successfully preached and practiced ever in my life till now.

    Cut to the chase and fastforward part:

    For the first time in my life, I am cooking what I am eating, counting what's been put in, sleeping well (around 7-8 hrs) and training without skipping a session. The weight is 194 lbs. My current goal is to drop to 190 and clean bulk from there to 210. I am close to get out from a cut cycle. I currently do a weekly linear progression with 3x5 squats, 3x5 bench and 1x5 deads. My current maxes with the given scheme 250/165/308. Squats & deads feel like there is a good room for improvement. Bench is hella hard. And I know, my lifts are terrible for a 4 year old

    After the wall of text comes the question, what do you think I should do as my next program? First, I wanted to start from scratch with SS, but I am probably not a novice anymore. Maybe TM? I would love to hear your opinion on this! As I said, I am in need of an aid!

    Thanks for being a part of the journey and reading thus far!

    The phrase "clean bulk" gives me the douche shudders.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    The phrase "bigger volume" causes me to question the math skills here. I'm of the opinion that 405 x 5 x 3 is bigger volume than 205 x 5 x 3. But Dorian seems to have gotten big doing Mentzer. Odd. And note the "estimated 1RM" reference.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    The phrase "bigger volume" causes me to question the math skills. I'm of the opinion that 405 x 5 x 3 is bigger volume than 205 x 5 x 3. But Dorian seems to have gotten big doing Mentzer. Odd. And note the "estimated 1RM" reference.
    I thought that stat line was his current working weights. Damn, that changes everything.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    I have to question your assertion that you can no longer benefit from a regular novice LP. I don't really know how to put this delicately, and I'm not attempting to be a jerk, but as a (then) 41 year old, 5'5", female, I managed to get my squat to 220 lbs for fives during my 2nd LP. The first LP that I did was not as successful because I was running in a caloric deficit and had some form issues, so I only got to a very rough squat of 170 lbs for fives.

    I'm not certain how old you are, or how much of a special snowflake you are, but given the context of the post, I'll assume that you are a bit younger than I am, much more male than I am, and generally healthy. I gave you those numbers so that you would have some perspective of what should be possible for you. Try eating, sleeping, and DT(F)P and don't stop until you have at least a 315 x 5 squat. Go get your form checked down in the coach's forum, or better yet, in person.

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