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Thread: Squat Form Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Squat Form Check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I humbly submit this squat video of 5 reps of 325:


    Last night, when this was taken, was volume day: 325x5x5. I tried to hew closely to the video guidelines in the Technique sticky, but I apologize in advance if anything is unclear.

    Relevant background info:

    - I'm 33
    - I weigh ~207lbs and am 6'0

    I'm doing a 4-day Texas Method split routine at the moment. My lifts right now are:
    - Squat: 355x5x1
    - DL: 315x5x1
    - Press: 142.5x5x1
    - Bench: 217.5x5x1
    - PC: 185 (I don't do these much; when I do, it's fifteen singles spaced a minute apart).

    I feel pretty good about my squat overall, but I'm always looking to improve. Thanks in advance for any help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Garage of GainzZz


    These moved damn fast. Good for you. The only quibbles I might have is you could stand to stay in your hips a touch more and watch that chin tuck coming out of the bottom.

    What's the story with your deadlift?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Satch12879 View Post
    These moved damn fast. Good for you. The only quibbles I might have is you could stand to stay in your hips a touch more and watch that chin tuck coming out of the bottom.

    What's the story with your deadlift?
    Thanks for the feedback, Satch.

    Hips: yes, always been a weakness!

    Chin tuck: the most bizarre thing here is that no one's ever told me this, but as I was uploading the video to make this post I saw it for the first time. Do you know what's happening there? Is it risky or bad in any way, or is it just a quirk?

    Deadlift: I didn't wanna go into it again here since I posted a DL form check four or five days ago, but the gist is this: before I learned how to lift properly, a buddy of mine - in that way that only friends can - "encouraged" me to pull 185 when I'd been struggling with 95. I promptly pulled the shit out of my lower back and couldn't walk properly for a good four or five weeks. Searing pain.

    Separately, once I did get coached by a wise and knowing SSC, I learned that I can't set my back properly. I mean, it's hard for everyone, but basically once I started doing my novice program and even into intermediate, I never quite got that part right.

    So, in summary: psychological complex about re-injuring my back combined with finding it extremely fucking difficult to get the setup right has yielded a way weaker DL than my squat.

    If you're interested, here's me pulling 225 a couple of days ago as part of my "let's get this right finally" rebuild-my-DL plan:


    I may post this as a separate DL form check.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Garage of GainzZz


    I can't really say what it is; perhaps it's an unconscious thing you're doing as the weight gets heavier. It may be a tendency for you to lift your chest out of the hole, but you keeping focused on your gaze target. Not completely sure. I have a very similar quirk that I've been trying to dig out of my technique for a very long time now; mine happens at the initiation of the descent, which can present all kinds of other issues, mostly if it goes along with thoracic flexion.

    Your deadlifts don't look terrible by any stretch. You could do a little work with feeling out controlling your upper and lower backs, but you're getting there. To be honest, I'd lose the belt for a while until you really get things in place. It definitely makes getting into position more difficult.

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