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Thread: Get some conditioning done...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Get some conditioning done...

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi everyone,

    So i'm lifting for 2 years now, recently competed for the first time(429/275/506 for a 1210 total)
    I did not do any conditioning or anything anaerobic in over a year now and starting to feel a bit unconditioned.

    I hear Rip talking about short metcons as great conditioning tools.
    I have no access to a sled atm.

    Does anyone have some advices on specific metcons?
    If not metcons then anything else?
    Also how would you fit them on a TM template, after which workout?(thinking rec day?)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    I do swimming 1x/week on the TM. I do it either the day after intensity day or the day before volume day. I don't go crazy and do tons of laps, and I've never found it to affect my lifts.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Green River, WY


    I suck so don't listen to me.
    Hill sprints are fun, find a steep hill, sprint up it, repeat 5-10 times.
    Mixing up energy systems in sprints is fun, also.
    I bought a parachute once. $20. If you go that route buy like three. One isn't enough.
    Deck of cards is really fun. The wife and I have had some of the best conditioning with these.

    As for fitting it in.... seen a lot of people say either after a weight session or on Sat. (If following TM) ((or just when you have an extra day off if you're doing something else)) I personally like the off day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Green River, WY


    Quote Originally Posted by David_G View Post
    Hi everyone,

    So i'm lifting for 2 years now, recently competed for the first time(429/275/506 for a 1210 total)
    I did not do any conditioning or anything anaerobic in over a year now and starting to feel a bit unconditioned.

    I hear Rip talking about short metcons as great conditioning tools.
    I have no access to a sled atm.

    Does anyone have some advices on specific metcons?
    If not metcons then anything else?
    Also how would you fit them on a TM template, after which workout?(thinking rec day?)
    Did you happen to mean aerobic?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    I love car pushing. find a nice parking lot and push your car for about 15-20s worth of effort as fast and as hard as you can. I do this about 5 times with at least several minutes rest in between each attempt. Have a partner who will steer and such so you dont have to worry about that stuff. I plan on incorporating it on Saturdays soon and work up to Tuesdays and Saturdays. Then moving up to pushing my truck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Green River, WY


    Quote Originally Posted by Manimal View Post
    I love car pushing. find a nice parking lot and push your car for about 15-20s worth of effort as fast and as hard as you can. I do this about 5 times with at least several minutes rest in between each attempt. Have a partner who will steer and such so you dont have to worry about that stuff. I plan on incorporating it on Saturdays soon and work up to Tuesdays and Saturdays. Then moving up to pushing my truck.
    Great great idea. I'm going to have to try this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    You could start by just doing some light walking 3-5 days a week. If you lift in the PM, take the dogs out for an hour walk fasted every morning.

    Walking is super underrated as a basic conditioning tool, IMO. And, it's fun.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I dont know much about conditioning and cardio, but my 2 cents from my experience of playing around with it;

    It is actually refreshing to do some LSD once in a while. High intensity stuff should be your go to as it is the fastest and most effective within the constraints. But every so often, moderate intensity, staying just within your threshold of lactate/v02 max. So you are going fairly hard at whatever it is, cycling/rowing/running/brisk hiking/swiming but can keep it up for around an hour.

    It feels "good" and lets you know where you are at in terms of cardio-respitatory fitness. Not just the instant burn out in breathlessness and pounding heart after each minute of HIIT, you actually get much more "work done" like when you choose a submaximal weight for . But it makes you feel more alive, doing the kind of thing the human body is evolved for. Also gets you outdoors or alternatively, lets you zone out on a stationary bike/pool/rowing machine - listen to some music or get lost in deep thought.

    You get a nice warm buzz afterwards, I guess what they call "runners high"

    But I am not saying always do this kind of cardio, but just do it SOME of the time. Alternate.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Green River, WY


    Quote Originally Posted by Dastardly View Post
    I dont know much about conditioning and cardio, but my 2 cents from my experience of playing around with it;

    It is actually refreshing to do some LSD once in a while. High intensity stuff should be your go to as it is the fastest and most effective within the constraints. But every so often, moderate intensity, staying just within your threshold of lactate/v02 max. So you are going fairly hard at whatever it is, cycling/rowing/running/brisk hiking/swiming but can keep it up for around an hour.

    It feels "good" and lets you know where you are at in terms of cardio-respitatory fitness. Not just the instant burn out in breathlessness and pounding heart after each minute of HIIT, you actually get much more "work done" like when you choose a submaximal weight for . But it makes you feel more alive, doing the kind of thing the human body is evolved for. Also gets you outdoors or alternatively, lets you zone out on a stationary bike/pool/rowing machine - listen to some music or get lost in deep thought.

    You get a nice warm buzz afterwards, I guess what they call "runners high"

    But I am not saying always do this kind of cardio, but just do it SOME of the time. Alternate.
    I actually go for runs every now and again just to clear my head and I do enjoy that high after

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    Will give the car pushes a go this thursday and report back.

    Running is not in my nature(boring) and I feel too damn heavy for it, i'd rather push a car as fast as I can or take a swim

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