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Thread: Intermediate program

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Oporto, Portugal

    Default Intermediate program

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    My training priorities are Strength and hypertrophy. I´m considering to train 3 months for strength and the next 2 months for hypertrophy (repeating this cycle).
    Each programe, based on Texas Method, would be as follows:

    >Training for Strength[/B][/U]
    -Squat: 5x5 (90% 5RM)
    -Bench press or Press: 5x5 (90% 5RM)
    -Deadlift: 1x5 (attempting 5RM PR)
    -Dip (3x5) or Triceps lying extension (3x10)
    -Biceps curl (3x10)

    -Squat or Front squat: 2*5 (80% 5RM)
    -Bench press (3x5, 80% 5RM) or Press (3x5, 85% 5RM)
    -Weighted chin-up: 3x5-7
    -Glute-ham raise: 5x10

    -Squat: 1x5 (attempting new 5RM PR)
    -Bench press or Press: 1x5 (attempting 5RM PR)
    -Power clean: 5x3 (90% 3RM; occasionally attempting 3RM PR)
    -Weighted pull-up (3x5-7) or barbell row (3*10)

    >Training for Hypertrophy
    Monday = Monday from strength program, but adding dumbbell fly (3x12-15)
    Wednesday = Wednesday from strength program, but performing basic exercises with 3 sets of 15 (50-55% 1RM)
    Friday = Friday from strength program, but performing basic exercises with 5 sets of 10 (70% 1RM) and adding dumbbell lateral raise (3x12-15)

    Concerning my training goals, are these good programes? What could I do to improve them?
    Thank you for your time!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    When you start adding in a bunch of high rep work and assistance exercises, then I'm more of a fan of a 4-5 day split rather than a 3-day/week full body program. I think you can put more effort and energy into more frequent but shorter workouts rather than 3 marathon sessions.

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