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Thread: Squat form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Default Squat form check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Male, 33, 190lbs., 6ft.
    Squat: 180
    DL: 235
    Press: 90
    BP: 155

    Read SS 3rd Ed. in July, watched a lot of videos, practiced the lifts for awhile and started (slow) LP about a month ago. Liked to exercise before, LOVE training now. SS has been amazing for mind and body - what you all are doing here is very special. Thinking of signing up for SSOC soon.

    Would very much appreciate a review of my squat form. I am basically a moron when it comes to the body, so I've had to work on a lot of form problems - obviously I have a long way to go.

    Many thanks.


    PS, thanks to M. Wolf for pointing me toward tube socks - besides looking awesome, those things are magic.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Those aren't bad. Don't overextend your spine at the top. Just stand up as normally as you can. If you don't walk around arching the shit out of your back, don't squat that way. You are driving your knees out too hard, too. Knees in a little. This will also allow them to go a little further forward. Doing both of these will make the descent feel better and allow you to go down more quickly. Keep your chin down on the ascent. Go forth in sin.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2016


    Tom, what would you say about depth on these? My uneducated guess is that they are borderline but acceptable, but I ask because I'm unsure and trying to get better at judging depth. (No offense meant to jhm4!)

    Also, thanks for doing so many form checks today. It's a heroic Thanksgiving effort, and I'm learning a lot from your comments.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    There is a lot of lens distortion, but I think he is getting just deep enough.

    I was getting tired of looking at the enormous backlog and decided to plow through a bunch of these things.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    Thanks, Tom! I was over extending to correct flexion at the bottom, but actually I've found overextension at the top makes flexion at the bottom worse. Just needed to "get tighter." I will definitely keep the knees in a little more and I'm sure that will help with the descent and depth - no worries Cambridge93, looking back at the video these do look borderline and I could feel it a bit in my knees the next day.

    Thanks again!

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