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Thread: Training Pulls/Chins

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Washington, DC

    Default Training Pulls/Chins

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    I'm doing pullups or chinups once or twice a week with a counterbalance assist. I'm trying to work my way up to unassisted. Since I've got control over the weight, I can dial in a rep range for a 3x(max) workout. I've been shooting for about 3x7 as a point where I add(subtract) 10# and work my way up again. This is working, as I end up doing anywhere from 4-7 reps each on average, but I am wondering if this is the best way to do this, or if I should try to go heavier (less reps) or lighter (more reps) to build foundational strength.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    The South Seas


    I like training chins/pullups like I would any other lift. Lots of heavy, low-rep sets and slow progressive loading.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by PMDL View Post
    I like training chins/pullups like I would any other lift. Lots of heavy, low-rep sets and slow progressive loading.
    This gets the official Chinfag Seal of Approval™.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Washington, DC


    Quote Originally Posted by PMDL View Post
    I like training chins/pullups like I would any other lift. Lots of heavy, low-rep sets and slow progressive loading.
    So, you would do more in the 4-6 rep range?

    BP, I don't get what you are on about. Do you have a problem with my question? You are aware that Pull ups and Chin ups are a part of the program, right? I'm trying to get up to bodyweight so I don't have to scale.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    If you're trying to build up to a bodyweight chin, wouldn't it make the most sense to do them heavy with low reps?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by strengthstarter View Post
    So, you would do more in the 4-6 rep range?

    BP, I don't get what you are on about. Do you have a problem with my question? You are aware that Pull ups and Chin ups are a part of the program, right? I'm trying to get up to bodyweight so I don't have to scale.
    You misinterpreted it. Matt has dubbed me a high level chinfag, due to my weighted chin skills. So I was just endorsing what he said, i.e. agree fully.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I would set the resistance (assistance?) to the point that you can do 5 reps for 5 sets across. Release the weight each workout or when you can until you've reached your goal.

    You know the answer. If you want to do 1 bodyweight pullup then you're training to do a single. That means low-rep work.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Washington, DC


    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll bring the reps down a bit, e.g., in the 4-6 rep range (can't dial in too accurately on this thing). The source of my confusion was that Rip's program has pulls and chins sometimes as bodyweight to max, which I imagine for some can be quite a few more than the standard 5.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    A few years back I worked up to 14 at a bodyweight of about 87kg (192#) but failed to progress further.

    I started adding weights and worked mostly in the 5x5 range. Eventually I got up to 5x5 with 10kg (22#) and 2 with 25kg (55#) which gave me 20 reps at bodyweight.

    I'm a fair bit heavier now so 14 is again my BW limit but I recently did 5x5 with 20kg (44 lbs).

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by strengthstarter View Post
    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll bring the reps down a bit, e.g., in the 4-6 rep range (can't dial in too accurately on this thing). The source of my confusion was that Rip's program has pulls and chins sometimes as bodyweight to max, which I imagine for some can be quite a few more than the standard 5.
    Yes, but you're not to that point yet. You need to first train for one chin/pull, then you can focus on getting more reps in. Baby steps.

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