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Thread: 5/3/1 Post Biceps reattachment surgery: The road to recovery begins.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Virginia Beach,VA

    Default 5/3/1 Post Biceps reattachment surgery: The road to recovery begins.

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    A little background about myself. I am a 40 year old male(5'6" and currently 189 pounds) who never lifted a day in his life until a little over 2 years ago when I started getting serious about my health. I had been quit smoking 4 years(now 6.5 years quit) and after having gained over 50 pounds I decided it was time to stop being a fat slob. I started dieting and I followed The New Rules Of Lifting program for about a year where I lost over 30 pounds while building a little muscle in the process. Then I found 5/3/1 and Starting Strength and really liked both programs. I was torn between both but ultimately decided to go with 5/3/1 because I still needed to shed some fat.

    I followed 5/3/1 for 11 cycles while dieting on and off and made good gains and lost some more fat. Right after my 11th cycle tragedy struck during some heavy single deadlifts. My left (supinated) biceps tore loose from my forearm and rolled up to my shoulder. I had had off and elbow pain for years and the surgeon said the end of the tendon was severely degenerated probably from an injury that could have happened as far back as 10 years ago and progressively got worse. 2 weeks post surgery my cast came off and I went into a brace. 6 weeks post op the brace came off and I started doing some light dumbbell work and increased the weight slowly. at 11 weeks the surgeon released me fully. I took the 12th week to asses my limits and determine my 5/3/1 training maxes. Week 13 post op I restarted 5/3/1 using the 2 day template.

    I am now 14 weeks post op and tomorrow will be my 2nd workout of the week. Things are progressing very well. I will copy and paste my logs from my log on another forum and then start logging here from now on. Just for the record I will list my training maxes when I started my 1st 5/3/1 cycle and what they were my 11th cycle when I ruptured my tendon. Then I will list my very conservative post op training maxes.

    1st 5/3/1 cycle


    11th 5/3/1 cycle


    Cycle 1 post op:

    Last edited by tcul1972; 01-08-2013 at 04:02 PM. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Virginia Beach,VA


    Workout performed on 12/30/2012

    5/3/1 Comeback: Cycle 1 5/5/5+ week(13 weeks post biceps reattachment surgery)


    Foam roller: lower/upper back,IT bands,Quads,piriformis,adducto rs,

    Mobility: Lying knee to knee mobilization,split stance adductor mobilization,Half kneeling adductor dips,prone hips flexed rocking,no-money drill.

    Band Stretching: hamstrings,low back,groin,hip flexors/quads

    Olympic bar stretch: chest/shoulders

    Main Movement

    Squat(training max@180)
    Warmup- 75 x 5
    Warmup- 90 x 5
    Warmup- 110 x 3

    Set 1- 120 x 5
    Set 2- 135 x 5
    Set 3- 155 x 5

    Bench Press(training max@120)

    Warmup- 50 x 5
    Warmup- 60 x 5
    Warmup- 75 x 3

    Set 1- 80 x 5
    Set 2- 90 x 5
    Set 3- 105 x 15

    Accessory Work(all exercises done as a circuit. no rest between exercises. 5 minutes rest between circuits)


    BW x 5 x 3 (assisted)

    Swiss ball crunches

    25 x 10 x 3

    Dumbbell Bench Press

    25 x 10 x 3

    Ab Wheel Rollouts

    BW x 10 x 3

    T-bar Rows

    50 x 10 x 2
    50 x 20 x 1

    Thoughts: Back to 5/3/1 and loving it. Arm feels really good. Fatigued but good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Virginia Beach,VA


    Workout performed on 1/2/2013

    5/3/1 Comeback: Cycle 1 5/5/5+ week(13 weeks post biceps reattachment surgery)


    Foam roller: lower/upper back,IT bands,Quads,piriformis,adducto rs,

    Mobility: Lying knee to knee mobilization,split stance adductor mobilization,Half kneeling adductor dips,prone hips flexed rocking,no-money drill.

    Band Stretching: hamstrings,low back,groin,hip flexors/quads

    Olympic bar stretch: chest/shoulders

    Main Movement

    Deadlift(training max@225)
    Warmup- 90 x 5
    Warmup- 115 x 5
    Warmup- 135 x 3

    Set 1- 150 x 5
    Set 2- 170 x 5
    Set 3- 195 x 5

    Overhead Press(training max@95)

    Warmup- 45 x 5
    Warmup- 50 x 5
    Warmup- 60 x 3

    Set 1- 65 x 5
    Set 2- 75 x 5
    Set 3- 85 x 5

    Accessory Work(all exercises done as a circuit. no rest between exercises. 5 minutes rest between circuits)

    None today

    Thoughts: Update to last workout. Set 3 of squats was for 10 Reps not 5. Today I did required reps and the Jack Shit template. I doubt it will be the last time I do it during this comeback.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Virginia Beach,VA


    Workout performed on 1/6/2013

    5/3/1 Comeback: Cycle 1 3/3/3+ week(14 weeks post biceps reattachment surgery)


    Foam roller: lower/upper back,IT bands,Quads,piriformis,adducto rs,

    Mobility: Lying knee to knee mobilization,split stance adductor mobilization,Half kneeling adductor dips,prone hips flexed rocking,no-money drill.

    Band Stretching: hamstrings,low back,groin,hip flexors/quads

    Olympic bar stretch: chest/shoulders

    Main Movement

    Squat(training max@180)
    Warmup- 75 x 5
    Warmup- 90 x 5
    Warmup- 110 x 3

    Set 1- 130 x 3
    Set 2- 145 x 3
    Set 3- 165 x 10

    Bench Press(training max@120)

    Warmup- 50 x 5
    Warmup- 60 x 5
    Warmup- 75 x 3

    Set 1- 85 x 3
    Set 2- 95 x 3
    Set 3- 110 x 15

    Accessory Work(all exercises done as a circuit. no rest between exercises. 5 minutes rest between circuits)


    BW x 5 x 3 (assisted)

    Swiss ball crunches

    25 x 10 x 3

    Dumbbell Bench Press

    25 x 10 x 3

    Ab Wheel Rollouts

    BW x 10 x 3

    T-bar Rows

    50 x 10 x 2
    50 x 20 x 1

    Thoughts: Another solid workout. My plan for the chins was to add 1 rep per set every workout but my arm would literally not let me do more than 5. So I guess my next plan is to try and add 1 set per cycle. Still following the Rapid Fat loss diet. well I restarted it on the 2nd after 2 days of debauchery. All of my measurements and my weight were the exact same as they were last Sunday so no harm,no foul.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Charlotte, NC


    Honestly, this injury scares me more than anything when doing deadlifts. Was your arm bent, or did it just pop?

    Where do you train in Va Beach? I am from the area, but currently live in NC.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Virginia Beach,VA


    Quote Originally Posted by DRice311 View Post
    Honestly, this injury scares me more than anything when doing deadlifts. Was your arm bent, or did it just pop?

    Where do you train in Va Beach? I am from the area, but currently live in NC.
    No, my arm was perfectly straight and locked. I got just above the knees and I felt something weird and then it sounded like someone snapped a wet towel and the bicep went up to my shoulder. My elbow had been hurting pretty much non stop for 2 weeks but I was a dumbass and kept at it. The surgeon said it was hurting nonstop because it was so worn out and it probably didn't matter what I was doing it was going to go. The 400 pound deadlift might have made it happen sooner, but it was going to happen none the less. I have my own setup in my half converted garage. I had finally got my power rack about 2 months before the tendon went.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Virginia Beach,VA


    5/3/1 Comeback: Cycle 1 3/3/3+ week(14 weeks post biceps reattachment surgery)

    Main Movements

    Deadlift(training max@225)

    Warmup- 90 x 5
    Warmup- 115 x 5
    Warmup- 135 x 3

    Set 1- 160 x 3
    Set 2- 180 x 3
    Set 3- 205 x 10

    Overhead Press(training max@95)

    Warmup- 45 x 5
    Warmup- 50 x 5
    Warmup- 60 x 3

    Set 1- 70 x 3
    Set 2- 80 x 3
    Set 3- 90 x 10

    Accessory Work(all exercises done as a circuit. no rest between exercises. 5 minutes rest between circuits)

    Dumbbell Shoulder press

    25 x 10 x 3

    Good Mornings

    90 x 10 x 3

    Olympic bar curls

    45 x 10 x 3

    Single arm dumbbell rows

    25 x 10 x 3

    Thoughts: Solid workout Very happy with it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    You're from the facebook 5/3/1 group yeah?

    You going to switch to hook grip? I did after I heard about your injury, can't work without my arms!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Virginia Beach,VA


    yes, I'm on the facebook group. I don't like hook grip. I will go with standard grip until the weight gets too high and then I will use straps or hooks. The deadlifts didn't really cause the injury, just made the inevitable happen. Even so, I am spooked for life about alternate grip. I am in construction and only missed 2 days of work. I had the surgery on Thursday and was back to work on Monday. Of course I was severely limited in what I could do but I believe getting right back into the swing of things did nothing but help my recovery.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    I'm a Carpenter (apprentice still)

    Pretty sure I would have no job if I ripped my Bicep up.

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