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Thread: Starting Strength for Amateur Boxer?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Great Britain

    Default Starting Strength for Amateur Boxer?

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    Hey guys,

    I'm an amateur boxer and I'm preparing for my first exhibition fight. I've done plenty of sparring and I'm generally well conditioned but I've identified strength as an area that is lacking.

    Should I use SS to supplement my training? I'm on the limit of middleweight at the moment so any significant weight gain is out of the question. Do you think it's worthwhile?

    I used to be quite a bit bigger due to bodybuilding training (and a healthy appetite) but I've really cut my weight down. I'm guessing that SS would help to increase my maximal strength without adding too much mass provided I restrict my calorie intake. Anyone got any experience? Any aspiring boxers here?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Great Britain


    Thanks for the link. Do any of those guys train fighters? I'm going to add SS into the mix and see how I get on. Will still be doing two or three GPP sessions depending on the schedule at my local boxing gym.

    I was dubious as to whether I should be doing heavy squats, deads and other compound movements on such a regular basis. Thought it might drain my strength and fatigue me over the long term.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Whether or not you gain weight is going to be a matter of how much you eat. So if you want to stay within the middleweight limits, eat appropriately.

    I don't think you should use the normal SS template along with your normal boxing training. Maybe cut it back to squatting twice a week and deadlifting, pressing, chinning and benching once each?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    so you could just cut out the third day. Just curious what would happen if you went up in weight class.

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    As I have was an amatuer boxer for over 12 years I can tell you if you want to focus on boxing then focus on skill work, conditioning and sparring. These will make you stronger for the specifics of boxing. I also do suggest doing some barbell training but this should only be used as an accessory tool as boxing and skill work should be first.

    I can say this because I was 69kg (152lb) fighter, finished competing and started SS whilst still training with boxing. I went up to 86kg (190lb) before an injury occured. Anyway I know that although I was significantly stronger at 86kg, the 69kg version of myself would of boxed the head off the 86kg version. At 86kg I was not as fast on my feet and with my hands, this was because I had neglected specific skill work and instead lifted.

    Personally the standard SS template does not work for boxing especially at the elite level where every lb counts. SS is a brillant tool for making you bigger and stronger.

    Just what I think anyway

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    what about heavy weights like mike tyson, didn't he do a lot of weight training? Im actuating asking, not arguing against you KTD

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by MEbigUsmall View Post
    what about heavy weights like mike tyson, didn't he do a lot of weight training? Im actuating asking, not arguing against you KTD
    As a heavyweight there are no restrictions of weight so lifting and putting on weight is not as big a issue. However, the same issue of too much time lifting and not enough time and effort doing skill work, sparring etc. arises.

    As far as Mike Tyson goes, he was blessed with genetic gifts of which included his strength and size. I am not a 100% sure but I remember reading he spent most of his time doing specific boxing training along with a lot of bodyweight excersises with little or no barbell training. I think he just did shrugs for neck and shoulder strength but like I said I am not 100% sure.

    I do know that Evander Holyfield had a specific barbell training and bulking portion of his training cycle for big fights.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Perth, Australia


    starting strength coach development program
    My experience with weight gain, barbell training and martial arts is that firstly, lifting makes training and fighting seem easy by comparison. Secondly, being heavier and stronger will make you hit harder, however, this is not a replacement for skill. I train with guys half my size who can still whup me, simply because they can hit me and I cannot hit them. If you're young then you should be able to train both plenty hard providing you eat enough. GOMAD is just the beginning...

    Lifting helps make you more robust, which aids greatly in taking a hit. There is one other person at my dojo who lifts seriously and you could beat him with an iron rod and he wouldn't feel it (he's a bodybuilder). I also have a reputation for hitting hard and being able to take a hit, simply because I lift.

    However, fighting in a heavier weight class means people also hit harder, and also means that they're generally taller. If you can't handle tall people, you're kinda fucked. My experience with weight gain is that it is much more useful when you've got the strength to go along with it, so you might notice a slight dip in your abilities before your lifts start getting decent. Personally I don't think weight gain has slowed me down at all, except maybe in my footwork, but then again I am very much a "fast twitch" individual so YMMV.

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