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Thread: Intermediate/Advanced Programming (long)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Intermediate/Advanced Programming (long)

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Vital Statistics:
    Height: 5' 10''
    Weight: 225

    Lifts (no belt or other equipment):
    Squat: 315 x 5
    Deadlift: 405 x 5
    Bench Press: 285 x 5
    Overhead Press: 200 x 5
    Power Clean: 230 x 3 (don't do sets of 5)

    I consider myself an Intermediate for the purposes of training the Squat/Deadlift/Power Clean, and Advanced for training the Bench & Overhead Press(es).

    Coach, the following is a powerlifting training program that I've evolved based on information in SS & PP (specifically, the TSFOSB model), along with Westside principles and ripping off Jim Wendler's 5/3/1. Submitted for your critique.

    - Increase Strength
    - Increase Power
    - I am not that concerned with Hypertrophy

    Week 1 (3RM/Competition Raw):
    Session 1:
    Back Squat, 3 x 5
    Power Clean, 7 x 2
    Good Morning, 3 x 8

    Session 2:
    Speed Bench, 8 x 3
    Standing Overhead Press, 4 x 4
    Weighted Chin-ups, 4 x 4

    Session 3:
    Belted Back Squat, new 3RM
    Belted Conventional Deadlift, new 3RM

    Session 4:
    Close-grip Bench Press, new 3RM
    Bent-Over Row, 3 x 5
    Standing Dumbell Overhead press, 3 x 8

    Week 2 (1RM/Full Gear):
    Session 1:
    Back Squat, 3 x 5
    Power Clean, 3 x 5
    Good Morning, 3 x 8

    Session 2:
    Speed Bench, 9 x 3 + 1 x 2 (+20)
    Standing Overhead Press, 3 x 5 + 1 x 2 (+20)
    Weighted Chin-ups, 3 x 5

    Session 3:
    Full Gear Back Squat, new 1RM
    Full Gear Conventional Deadlift, new 1RM

    Session 4:
    Close-grip Bench Press, new 1RM
    Wide-Grip Shirted Board Press, new 1RM
    Chest-Supported Row, 3 x 5
    Standing Dumbell Overhead press, 3 x 8

    Week 3 (Detune):
    Session 1:
    Back Squat, 1 x 5 (new 5RM)
    Close-Grip Bench Press, 1 x 5 (new 5RM)
    Block (Rack) Pull, 1 x 5 (new 5RM)

    Session 2:
    Front Squat, 1 x 3 (new 3RM)
    Standing Overhead Press, 1 x 5 (new 5RM)
    Power Clean, 1 x 3 (new 3RM)
    Bent-Over Row, 1 x 5 (new 5RM)

    So far, this has worked very well for me. I can increase the Back Squat & Deadlift by 10 lbs / 3 weeks, and the Bench Press/Overhead Press/Power Clean by 5 lbs / 3 weeks. I'm not sure about the total deadlift volume. I don't think I'm at the point where my recovery will be totally shot by 3RM and 1RM deadlifts, but I've already had to switch to Block Pulls for the Deadlift 5RM during the De-Tune week. I get the feeling that I will have to sub in more Haltings and Rack Pulls as my training weight progresses.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Yes, you will. It has been my experience that full deadlifts run up quickly and get stuck. You might try a combination of rack pulls, haltings, AND some Westside DE deadlift work. That might be just the right amount of everything to allow progress to continue.

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