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Thread: Ending my cut

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Default Ending my cut

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi Robert, at 2/10/20 I am going to finish my cut(I was 127 kg bodyweight and had JELLYBELLY and now I am 122.3 kg bodyweight and waist size gone down pretty damn good), i think i am going to weigh somewhere between 118-120 at the end of the cut.
    Now, i am planning to go back on LP, but this time focus on the diet itself(and not eating peanut butter like I'm drinking water)
    I wanted to ask, if I'm going to LP again, how my macros should look like? Should i stay on maintance until my squat passes my BW and deadlift goes to 140-150 KG?
    My lift current are:
    Squat:107.5 kgx3x5
    Bench:55 kgx3x5
    chins: I'm doing negatives and band assisted chins for now.
    How longer i will be able to hold maintance and drive up weight on the bar after i will pass my bodyweight?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Phoenix, AZ


    I would maintain until you start approaching limit loads. Maybe ~5% away is a good milestone. Once you get there, then scale up carbohydrates right away and run it out. Do you have access to a pulldown or no?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Santana View Post
    I would maintain until you start approaching limit loads. Maybe ~5% away is a good milestone. Once you get there, then scale up carbohydrates right away and run it out. Do you have access to a pulldown or no?
    Yes, i do. For now, I am going to train at the globo gym near my house.
    Suprisengly, they have good bars there and also 3-5 year old Texsas power bar, how the hell he got to this GYM? I don't know, but they have good equipment there and the registretion cost is preety low.
    How should i program pulldowns? Should i start with low weight and high reps and procced to higher weight and than 3-5 reps range, until i will be able to do full chinups?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Phoenix, AZ


    I typically start with 4 sets of 10 then work through a pyramid with intensity being the priority. So 4 x 10 turns into 4 x 8, which turns into 5 x 5, which turns into 5-7 x 3. By that point you should be playing around with weight somewhere near bodyweight and ready to move to unassisted chin ups.

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