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Thread: Amsterdam squat camp follow up #3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Hannover, Germany

    Default Amsterdam squat camp follow up #3

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    OK, first a little history.
    First Thread
    Second Thread

    Finally I put on a little more weight since my last videos I shared here (1st of March) but I'm not in linear progress cause I'm still struggling. I'm now at 82.5 kg and like you to look at my last warmup set with 62.5 kg
    Last warmup set

    And here is my first working set with 82.5 kg
    First working set
    When I first watched it in the gym with the little screen of my camera it looked ok, but I still see a little bump forward and the last two reps could be deeper.

    Unfortunately this is also the best set of this session with the second and third with the old form problems and the third even failing on the fourth rep.

    I fear, that I have do go back down again 10 kg and do still more reps in the 70 - 75 kg area?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I've seen worse. Why did you fail on your third set?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Hannover, Germany


    Thanks for the little heads up. Supposably I failed due to fatigue. This already kicked in on the second set with my old knee slide issued and fully developed on the third set. I've also filmed this:
    Third set on 29th March with failing on the fourth rep

    I've done the same weight two days later an I finished the third set but the form also decreased from first to third set.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    You, my friend, need to learn to stick with reps that start to slow down. I would bet that if someone had been there yelling that you would have stood that weight back up. Here are two things to think about.

    Drive the middle of your foot into the ground.
    Bounce out of the bottom.

    See what those do for you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    As i looked at the videos i thought that i have seen 2 things: Knees aren't out enough on the descent and a bit more lean over to get in a better the start position could be good to get him off his heels The bar seems to have such a path: /
    Am i totally wrong?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Tough to tell how far his knees are out in a video shot directly in profile. While the weight sort of drifts back and forth across his foot during the squat, for the most part he is kind of on his toes.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Hannover, Germany


    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Campitelli View Post
    You, my friend, need to learn to stick with reps that start to slow down. I would bet that if someone had been there yelling that you would have stood that weight back up. Here are two things to think about.
    Maybe, but I get back to this in the end.

    Drive the middle of your foot into the ground.
    Bounce out of the bottom.

    See what those do for you.
    Maybe I'm getting the squat mechanics wrong but isn't the bounce the stretch reflex I should get from a tensed posterior chain and I am not killing this tension with my knee slide?

    The rest here is not really important, I just have to write it.
    Last sunday I did the three sets pretty easy, but when I looked at the videos the technique was the worst since weeks, knee slide in almost every rep, which I attributed to the high speed I tried to achieve during the reps.

    Today was on of the worst workouts ever. I failed with the same weight on the fourth rep of the first set, went down to 75 kg and gave up after two reps because the second felt heavy and I could feel the form breakdown without looking at the video.

    I stood with arms crossed for five minutes over the bar beating myself up over 5.5 years after reading SS for the first time and achieving close to nothing. Not even 100 kg on the bar and apparently no kinaesthetic sense, cause I can not master this exercise. "Highly motivated" I set the bar down on the safety pins at the second rep. I skipped the Bench and Deadlift and went home. Sorry for the whine.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Well, before we throw in the towel, realize that sometimes people struggle with one or more of the lifts. Things don't always have to be perfect in order to go on. I would rather you get your knees under control, but at the same time, you can work on form as the weight goes up. How are things on bench, press, and deads? Even if squats are not going as well as you would like, put effort into those other lifts. The squats will catch up in time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Hannover, Germany


    I won't throw in the towl, I've invested too much time into this. I've gone down with the weight and worked myself up again. I think I'm slightly better now. Here is the 3rd set, which I did yesterday.

    The other lifts are also stuck, but I've also cut back to a low calorie surplus cause my form is so shitty. But I think I will begin to add weight to the bar again or I will wait forever.

    One question from my last post:
    Maybe I'm getting the squat mechanics wrong but isn't the bounce the stretch reflex I should get from a tensed posterior chain and I am not killing this tension with my knee slide?
    Can I still bounce with the knee slide or am I just loosing some of the stretch and the bounce is less efficient?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    You mute the stretch reflex by letting the knees slide forward at the bottom, but it is still there.

    Your squats don't look beautiful, but I have seen worse. Make your descent smoother. Don't let the weight shift into your toes on the ascent.

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