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Thread: Switch to top set and backoffs on squat?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2023

    Default Switch to top set and backoffs on squat?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi folks,

    Male, 25, 5’7” 233lbs, eating 3500-4500 calories per day (including a half gallon of homo milk, as we call it in Canada), 6-7 hours of sleep.

    I think I’m entering into what are the last phases of my NLP. I started in March with;

    Squat 330 3x5
    Press 135 3x5
    Deadlift 370 1x5
    Bench 215 3x5
    Cleans 155 5x3

    Current numbers are:

    Squat 415 1x5, 1x2, then 375 2x5 (workout before that did 410 for 3x5 handily)
    Press 182.5 3x3
    Deadlift 485 2x3
    Bench 275 1x5
    Cleans 195 for a single

    I switch the press to 3x3 with a set of five at 90% for volume, and that has helped to keep driving progress. And I already switched to a top set of five on bench with two sets of 5 at 95% (although maybe I should be less of a pussy and get a spotter, and push through to finish all my sets of bench). Also I switch to two triples on deadlifts to keep driving progress, couldn’t move past 465 for a single set of 5, I only deadlift heavy one day and then have a light day as per Michael Wolf’s suggestions in the “trying to keep lp alive” thread.

    My real question is should I switch to a top set and back-offs for squats? Or keep pushing three sets of five across? My last workout on Monday I was very bloated from eating fast food while driving on the highway across provinces, and that definitely was a factor in my performance, hence only doing one set of five and then a pathetic set of two before racking the weight. Today I’m going to do light squats but I’ve gotta figure out my plan for squats on Friday. I’m at the point where I’m resting at least ten minutes between squat sets, and I’m not sure how much longer I can sustain the weight jumps at sets across. I take videos of all my lifts so I can post that if needed, but I know my form and bar speed are good. I want to get every last drop from my LP before transitioning to the Texas Method. Any and all suggestions are much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    It's quite possible you started too heavy. You probably could've started at 225 and made 10+lbs. jumps at the beginning and have gotten to where you are now at almost the same speed. And, I don't see you mentioning introducing a light squat day in the middle of your weekly training cycle, one of the first steps in trying to milk the NLP for everything it's worth as it begins to Peter out.
    A quick variable to change is rest time: you write "at least 10 minutes" but 10min is not some arbitrary bar of "enough" rest. You can re-read Rip's The First Three Questions for more:
    The First Three Questions | Mark Rippetoe

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Tman View Post
    Hi folks,

    Male, 25, 5’7” 233lbs, eating 3500-4500 calories per day (including a half gallon of homo milk, as we call it in Canada), 6-7 hours of sleep.

    I think I’m entering into what are the last phases of my NLP. I started in March with;

    Squat 330 3x5
    Press 135 3x5
    Deadlift 370 1x5
    Bench 215 3x5
    Cleans 155 5x3

    Current numbers are:

    Squat 415 1x5, 1x2, then 375 2x5 (workout before that did 410 for 3x5 handily)
    Press 182.5 3x3
    Deadlift 485 2x3
    Bench 275 1x5
    Cleans 195 for a single

    I switch the press to 3x3 with a set of five at 90% for volume, and that has helped to keep driving progress. And I already switched to a top set of five on bench with two sets of 5 at 95% (although maybe I should be less of a pussy and get a spotter, and push through to finish all my sets of bench). Also I switch to two triples on deadlifts to keep driving progress, couldn’t move past 465 for a single set of 5, I only deadlift heavy one day and then have a light day as per Michael Wolf’s suggestions in the “trying to keep lp alive” thread.

    My real question is should I switch to a top set and back-offs for squats? Or keep pushing three sets of five across? My last workout on Monday I was very bloated from eating fast food while driving on the highway across provinces, and that definitely was a factor in my performance, hence only doing one set of five and then a pathetic set of two before racking the weight. Today I’m going to do light squats but I’ve gotta figure out my plan for squats on Friday. I’m at the point where I’m resting at least ten minutes between squat sets, and I’m not sure how much longer I can sustain the weight jumps at sets across. I take videos of all my lifts so I can post that if needed, but I know my form and bar speed are good. I want to get every last drop from my LP before transitioning to the Texas Method. Any and all suggestions are much appreciated.
    Definitely go to 1 top set and 2 back-offs, eventually introduce a light day with a couple sets of 5 and it will slowly turn into a Texas Method once you move the 2 back-offs on Monday for volume and keep your top set on friday for intensity.

    It seems to me like you did everything to keep it going. Although I haven't read anything about resets. You could try resetting 5-10% if you get stuck and slowly transition to lifting heavy and making PRs once a week while adjusting for volume on the remaining days

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