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Thread: Novice Deadlift Form Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Default Novice Deadlift Form Check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    2-3 weeks into SSLP.

    Deadlift working set (5x 230 lbs)

    This was legitimately a challenge, pushing my form past what I was comfortable with. For some reason, I abandoned my hook grip after the 2nd rep and 3-5 were alarming. Should I try this again next time - or walk back the weight slightly to improve form?

    To compare, here is a warmup set that felt good. [Posting this, curious to hear either A) "warmup looks good, aim for that with the working sets" or B) "FIX [x] IMMEDIATELY"]

    In general, all of my thoughts are focused on the start of the pull and my back angles and very little attention is being spared regarding how to finish the lift at the top. Is there something lacking at lockout?

    Many thanks,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2019


    Interesting how blatant it is in the video yet how unaware of it I was during the lifts. (I'm trying to remember what the ceiling looks like from that spot on the floor, and I have zero memory of it.)

    Eager for the next warmup sets, with something specific to nail down. Thank you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2019


    I'm writing this follow-up for the benefit of those who - like me - browse these forums in search of useful info in the right context:

    While troubleshooting this issue, I've realized that my eyeballs were aimed more or less where I wanted them: 10-12 feet on the floor in front of me. However, my head/neck weren't in line with the program. The necessary "chest-up" step was producing an exaggerated lift in my neck, even though my eyes remained (strenously, unnaturally) pointed down.

    Here's a relevant snippet from SSBBT (3), from Step 4: Chest Up: "When you are in the correct position, stare at a point 12-15 feet in front of you on the floor so that your neck can assume its normal anatomical position. You might need to think about keeping your chin down, too." [Emphasis added]. The underlined purpose of the correct gaze - maintaining a healthy anatomical position through the neck - was being circumvented because my head wasn't in line with my gaze. And so, I'm finding I need to cue myself "Tuck your neck" along with the "chest up" action in order to keep things in line.

    Again - I'm putting this here just in the event that it proves useful to someone else in the same situation. I suspect the error comes from an attempted over-correction of the bad posture which results from too much time sitting at work - and if that's the case, there's likely to be others who might find themselves doing the same thing. If I hadn't taken a video, I wouldn't have even expected things were so bad because I was keeping my eyes on the floor. But one glance at the video and it's immediately apparent something is out of line. For all of you solo lifters out there: record yourself.

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