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Thread: Turn Bro into Beast: Football Offseason?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Turn Bro into Beast: Football Offseason?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Hey Jordan,

    Real quick and dirty.

    My little brother plays D1 (FBS) football. He's a left tackle, 6'3"/265/~24%BF

    Coach sez he needs to put on 20 pounds before fall season. He's got 4 weeks or so to train on his own before heading back to school and practice/strength under the eyes of Coach.

    1) Where should his macros be at?

    2) What should he lift to maximize the next four weeks. Coach sent a stupid program (DB shoulder complexes?). I was figuring almost a basic LP with maybe sets of 6-8 instead of 5s to maximize da gainz. 80-90% efforts? They don't have a coherent strength program at any point of the year, of course, but he lifts decently. Don't know any of his lifts right now. Fucker won't return a text to save his life.

    Thanks bro. I mean sir.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Depends what he's eating now. I'd basically be looking at something like 250/600/150 = 4800kCal and see what that does to his weight. Every 3 days I'd go up in carbs and fat to produce a 2-3lb per week gain.

    Basic LP with 5's are >>>>>>> 6-8's. Why? 5's are heavier. Period. It'll make him stronger, faster. I'd have him power clean 1x/wk, deadlift 1x/wk, and either power snatch or hang clean on the other day. Squat all the days, alternate bench and press. He might need to move his upper body to TM style programming (or something with more volume) to drive the adaptation.

    I'd also have him do some prowler work 2x a week with 5-15s work periods and varying rest periods (30s-1 min rest) trying to replicate the work:rest ratios of a typical game.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Awesome, thanks! I proud to say those are the exact macros I gave him last week...

    Just out of curiosity, why wouldn't 6-8s be better for slightly more mass gain (with accompanying strength)? I know they're not as strength-focused as 5s but wouldn't more mass be ideal for a football/rugby situation (i.e., bodies moving in space and against others rather than straight force production)?

    Thanks again. When we gonna see "FeiGAINZZZbaum's Nutritional Seminar for Heavy Lifting and Destruction"?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Volume and load drive hypertrophy. Same volume with more load, eg 5's = more hypertrophy and more strength than 6-8s with less weight and the same volume

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