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Thread: knee pain - shoe question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default knee pain - shoe question

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I bought a pair of .6 inch heeled weight lifting shoes about a month ago and have noticed knee pain/soreness AFTER my workouts ever since I've started using them. The pain is just right above the knee cap at the very bottom of my quads, and under the knee cap, which obviously isn't good. It hurts when I climb stairs, sitting down, etc. It does not hurt after I warm up and during squats.

    I started the Starting Strength program before I bought the shoes. So, I suppose I could have made a good motor pattern without the shoes and then when I introduced them, I almost had to re-learn the movement because of the added heel.

    It's obviously an issue with my form and the shoes, but the thing is that I know what a good squat is supposed to feel like, because I was making progress without knee pain before I got the damn shoes. I was doing everything right except for wearing the shoes. I actually like the shoes because I feel like I get more hip drive with them, but I want to toss them because of this knee pain. A video is probably what's needed for this, and I can work on that. In the mean time, does any of this add up to you guys? Should I scrap the shoes, lower the weight and start further back, even though the program calls for shoes? I can't be the only guy who's experienced this kind of thing.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Let's see some video. Normally shoes make the lifts feel better. If the shoes actually are causing the problem, then the solution is clear, but let's see your squat first.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Campitelli View Post
    Let's see some video. Normally shoes make the lifts feel better. If the shoes actually are causing the problem, then the solution is clear, but let's see your squat first.
    Yeah, that's what I've read on here about the shoes, so my situation seems fishy to me. I got a hold of a camera, so I'll try and get a video up next week. Something I've tried doing in the meantime is pointing my toes out further, beyond 30 degrees like the book recommends and even beyond shoulder width, seems like it makes for a better squat, but still got good ol knee soreness afterwards.

    Just to be more clear that I was, the knee pain seems to be coming from the Patellar ligament. I'll get that video up soon. Thanks a lot for your time. Shoutout to Oakland haha, I used to live in the Laurel district.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Also, just watched this guy's video -

    Might be my problem with the back angle causing my knees to come too far forward. It seems like that would put more strain on the knees, I'll make sure I'm exaggerating my knees out next workout and report back.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Oaktown. I live out by Lake Merritt.

    Getting into your knees too much, which could be exacerbated by a heel lift can sometimes bother patellar ligaments. If you like to break with the knees first, that can also heat them up in susceptible individuals.

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