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Thread: Back injury

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Back injury

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    Hello mark, I've searched the forum for a similar case to mine but I can't seem to find any.

    About a year ago I injured my back and took some time off then rehabbed it. Took about 4 months to be pain free.

    I'm now back to pr territory (at a lighter body weight so I'm ahead) but when I was warming up for squats today (just 15kg)I felt my back start to go. It was a very sharp pain and was exactly the same pain as when I first injured my back. Luckily I only had 15kg on the bar so I haven't actually injured it yet. I moved onto bench which was fine and then started deadlifting very cautiously. This is the weird part, my back didn't hurt at all and I managed my usual progression for the day (180kgx5).

    When I first injured my back I could squat so this is unusual aswell. I know my form is fine as I've had form checks and I attended a Europe squat camp. Also, the muscles around my lumbar spine are very tight.

    I really am lost as to what to do as I really don't want to injure myself again (i had to have time off work).

    My stats if needed:
    6'2, hovering just under 200lbs
    Squat-150-3x5, press 59 3x5, bench 101 3x5

    Thanks Mark.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Dunk View Post
    Hello mark, I've searched the forum for a similar case to mine but I can't seem to find any.

    About a year ago I injured my back and took some time off then rehabbed it. Took about 4 months to be pain free.
    A) Try the search again. There are TONS of discussions about all manner of back pains.
    B) Your description of "back injury" is so vague that no one here is going know what it means, including myself. Diagnosis, MRI, etc?
    C) Listen to Rip's podcast on back pain.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    I have searched but honestly all I get is either referrals to here or the situation isn't the same.

    I've been told by the doctor (2 different docs) to basically stop lifting and change my job which is obviously out of the question and isnt A FUCKING SOLUTION FOR MY PROBLEM. Seriously what is with the GPs in England. I also demanded an MRI on my last visit to which I was told wouldnt show anything ��. After telling him I know for a fact they DO SHOW IF THERES A PROBLEM THATS WHY THEY MRI PEOPLE WITH BACK PROBLEMS, we had a big argument and I'm still no further to getting an MRI, which is just swell. I'm still unsure why I have to pay for this health service.

    The pain is like an electric shock or being struck by lightning usually when i twist to fast or bend over (which is odd because I can deadlift pain free). I have very tense erectors. There's no shooting pain. But i guess this is all unhelpful without an MRI. And if i had an MRI/diagnosis I wouldn't be here anyway.

    I have listened to the podcast and ive read pretty much every post on this site. I guess i was hoping someone would know exactally what was wrong with me (diagnosis) but obviously you cant do that via the internet. Back to the doctors i guess, 4th time lucky maybe?

  4. #4
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Dunk View Post
    The pain is like an electric shock or being struck by lightning usually when i twist to fast or bend over (which is odd because I can deadlift pain free). I have very tense erectors. There's no shooting pain. But i guess this is all unhelpful without an MRI. And if i had an MRI/diagnosis I wouldn't be here anyway.

    I have listened to the podcast and ive read pretty much every post on this site. I guess i was hoping someone would know exactally what was wrong with me (diagnosis)...
    IIRC, Rip does talk about this type of pain the podcast as it often happens when you have a load and are twisting or moving unbraced. That would explain why you can deadlift.

    MRIs are usually reserved for patients with neurological symptoms, intractable long standing pain, etc. And you're correct. You can't really diagnose these things over the web.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2012


    Well this has been going on for almost a year now and I've been to the doctors numerous times so I'd say it's long standing. I don't have any Neuro symptoms now but I have had sciatica (didn't get an mri for that as well). Thanks for advice anyway.

  6. #6
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Dunk View Post
    Well this has been going on for almost a year now and I've been to the doctors numerous times so I'd say it's long standing. I don't have any Neuro symptoms now but I have had sciatica (didn't get an mri for that as well). Thanks for advice anyway.
    Sciatica can be treated conservatively successfully.

    And let me redefine intractable long standing pain. This is stuff that impacts your basic Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). Lifting PRs on dead lifts would not meet this criteria. Don't get me wrong. I'm not necessarily trying to defend the doctors or the way your case has been handled. I'm just offering some insight into some of the thinking. In the States, you'd likely have had an MRI by now, provided you had good insurance. Best I could say is to find yourself a SSC to help you.

  7. #7
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    It has affected work and ive even had to take time off which isn't good because im self employed. I listened to the back pain podcast again and there was defientely things I'd forgotten, tbh i usually first tweak my back whilst doing something stupid like sliding 120kg+ men/women up a hosiptal bed. I think because im 22 i still have that invincible mind set. Plan of attack is to rehab the back then be uber careful! Im still considering going to the uk seminars if not to just train with Tom and Jordan again haha!

    If I do fuck my back up again or get some more serious symptoms I'll get an MRI on it, it's starting to settle now. Thank again man!

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