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Thread: grease the groove on powerclean

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default grease the groove on powerclean

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    I'm looking for some notion on how to go about doing this. I have a barbell and some free time and i want to do some powercleans every now and then. My end goal is a bodyweight PC (~85kg). I never do powercleans and the last and only time i tried one the most i managed was an ugly 75kg, i think in November or early December.

    Btw i dont want to do linear progress on these because that's too slow. It would take months to get up to 85kg if done once weekly at 1.25kg jumps. My timeline is more like 3-4 weeks max.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by msingh View Post
    I'm looking for some notion on how to go about doing this. I have a barbell and some free time and i want to do some powercleans every now and then. My end goal is a bodyweight PC (~85kg). I never do powercleans and the last and only time i tried one the most i managed was an ugly 75kg, i think in November or early December.
    Why not just do them a couple of times a week like a normal person might do?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by mstrofbass View Post
    Why not just do them a couple of times a week like a normal person might do?
    I would but my recovery is very limited at the moment by being on a VLCD and weight training thrice weekly and cardio daily. Workouts can't suffer hence grease the groove. Also i want to achieve my goal relatively quickly and the only way i could fit them into my current schedule would be on Wednesdays (deadlift day), but that might exhaust recovery too much so i want to avoid that situation as well as being too slow to progress with towards the goal.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    I remember powercleaning 135 for 5 x 3 when i was squatting 225 for 3 x 5. Then I didn't powerclean since and i went back to see how strong i got after i hit 300 for 3 x 5 on the squat and I was able to power clean 180 for a single and squat clean 200 for a single, and that was RIGHT AFTER doing 300 on squats for 3 x 5.

    It would seem like the powerclean is more of an expression of strength than a strength builder to me. I could be wrong though, but increasing your squat and deadlift should have a bigger impact on your powerclean than concentrating on it alone (im sure you are doing squats too ).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Yea that makes sense. I'm already training the squat and deadlift though. Anyway I want to do powercleans because they're cool and because I want to get good at them, and for the indirect reason that I want to work on explosively jumping with weights to improve my vertical leap.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    OP, if your technique really sucks, you may not need to gain as much strength to hit your goal as you might think. Rather, nailing down your form could do it. FWIW, my cleans are 180lbs 5x3 with 290lbs 3x5 squat and 315lbs 1x5 DL. ~215lbs BW.

    What's your squat/dl, and post up some form check vids.

    edit - also, I'd tender to you that 1.25kg or 2.5lbs jumps are really the way to go. That's what I've been doing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by msingh View Post
    Yea that makes sense. I'm already training the squat and deadlift though. Anyway I want to do powercleans because they're cool and because I want to get good at them, and for the indirect reason that I want to work on explosively jumping with weights to improve my vertical leap.
    Yeh I understand. What is your current programming like?

    Im not sure if greasing the groove would be a good idea. I mean you will have to do warmup sets to be able to lift heavy and safe so that might also affect your recovery if you do it a lot.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008



    Yes my technique sucks or rather is nonexistent since I don't perform the lift often. I'm looking to refine form by doing a lot of reps hence grease the groove. Yes i realise this might reinforce bad form but I'll be actively working on improving form so it should be fine.

    I'm squatting 250 for 3x3 tomorrow (did 1x3 last week) and DL 300x5 on wed (292x5 last week did double hand over, no belt). Btw these numbers are not my lifetime maxes just what i'm working with currently.

    My PC at the moment is ... i dont know. I'd have find out. We can guess 70kg? Not sure, i'll test it tomorrow.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Even if someone gave you the exact answer you wanted, how long would it take before your focus changed again. Just try sticking to something for more than a week and see how it goes.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Asheville, NC


    starting strength coach development program
    You need to clean up your form before you add weight to the bar.

    Are you trying to do a bodyweight power clean for a 5x3 set or just a bodyweight single?

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