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Thread: 12 Weeks On Starting Strength, Thoughts And Where To Go From Here

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Smile 12 Weeks On Starting Strength, Thoughts And Where To Go From Here

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    I've been doing the Starting Strength Novice Program for 12 weeks thus far. As of now, here are my stats:


    Age: 31 years old.
    Height: 6'

    Starting Weight on May 3: 219 lbs.
    Current Weight Today: 253 lbs.

    Squats: 290 lbs. 3x5 (shooting for 295 tomorrow and the big 300 on Friday)
    Dead Lift: 305 lbs. x5x1 (last Friday)
    Bench Press: 190 lbs. x5x3 (last Friday, 195 tomorrow, and I de-loaded that once so far)
    Press: 140 lbs. x5x3 (yesterday, and I de-loaded that once so far)

    ***I started the majority of the lifts 135 on all lifts except the press, started that one with 95, and started the PC weaksauce to learn it, this was a de-load after stalling on StrongLifts 5x5. I wanted to start fresh with a new program and 135 lbs. for my lifts was easy for a lazy dude like me to remember so I started with that when I started SS***


    I've missed a workout here and there, mostly due to LifeShit, but I've added weight consistently, and I am quite pleased with the results I've gotten from following this program. I have, for once, achieved better than I expected/wanted to. And I'm grateful.

    Anyway, the subject of either switching over to the Advanced Novice program (e.g. programming-in a light squat day, on Wednesday) or the Texas Method has come up.

    I started feeling as though I was burning out a little bit. And I'm getting close to a stall (but FUCK I hope I can make it through this week though). And I was curious about switching over to Advanced Novice before I burn out. I notice that some folks who do this will either:

    a. Do lighter front squats on Wednesdays and keep everything else moving along the same

    b. Break their workout schedule down into Week A and Week B, with light squats day on Wednesday. I read about this on the Wiki, here: (see at the bottom)

    I was wondering first, which of these would be more advantageous, to do? I do have to say, that I like the idea of only deadlifting once every week. But honestly, I don't think I'm pulling enough on those to justify that.

    My goal here is to keep getting stronger. I don't give a shit about sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, teh gunz, teh washboard abzzz for teh bitchez to wash their panties on, or any of that other bullshit. Basically, SS took me from looking like Dale Gribble and turned me into a fucking big, scary-looking tank, and I'd like to continue along in that vain when I switch to a more advanced program.

    But what I'm having trouble with, is figuring out which one to do.

    I don't have the PP book yet. I am ordering it on Friday when I get paid. But I wanted to ask for some information prior-to that.

    Is it advisable to switch to the Advanced Novice Phase insomuch as, you give yourself a little break on Wednesdays with a light squat day, and keep everything else moving along as-per usual, or is it better to do divvy the lifts up into Week A and B with a light squat day in there too, as shows in the Wiki?

    Or, is it better to switch to the Texas Method with a de-load? I have read about this happening, in such cases as Zach Evetts. I've been curious about this.

    And -last one I promise- if I was to do the Texas Method, I'd be using a template similar to this (from Wiki):

    Monday [High Volume/Moderate Intensity]
    Squat 5X5
    Bench Press 5X5
    Power Clean 5X3 (or Bentover BB Row 3x8)

    Wednesday [Low Volume/Low Intensity]
    Front Squat 3X3
    Press 3X3
    Back Extension/GHR 5x10
    Chin ups 3x12

    Friday [Low Volume/High Intensity]
    Squat 1X5
    Bench Press 1X5
    or 5X3
    or 5X2
    or 5X1
    Deadlift 1X5

    ... I assume that the above, done 3 days per week every week (as opposed to splitting up into Weeks A and B) will allow for me to continue being a tank and getting stronger, but with more time for recovery that I'd need, and I'd be able to continue like this for quite a while, is that right?

    When I looked over that particular template, I got a bit confused because all the lifts were still done in the same week, as opposed to being split up into two like in the Advanced Novice program. So I wanted some clarification because sometimes I over-think things and can be a big dummy.

    Anyway, thanks you guys, for taking the time to read this and for sharing any thoughts or suggestions you may have. :-)
    Last edited by gamedog; 07-20-2010 at 10:13 AM. Reason: added in the de-load

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Southern California


    What exactly do you mean when you say you feel "burnt out?"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by skills101 View Post
    What exactly do you mean when you say you feel "burnt out?"
    Ah, I should have clarified on that. What I mean is, I'm to the point now, when squatting, where I get that feeling "I don't think I can finish this rep" kinda regularly.

    Last time out wasn't so bad. Bar speed was okay, but they did hurt. And I have DOMS today, and it's way worse than normal. Last Friday I almost got pinned at the bottom. So basically, what I mean is, I'm no longer in that "zone" where you're confident that you're gonna be able to get all your reps, rather, I almost feel similar to running into muscle failure sometimes when I'm doing them.

    That's why I was thinking I'm getting ready to hit a stall.

  4. #4
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    Southern California


    I haven't much experience with these kinds of transitions, but I think with the weight you're lifting now you could definitely afford switching to Advanced Novice for a while. The template in the wiki is similar to the one Rip writes about in PPST2, which looks like this:

    Week 1:

    Monday: Squat, BP, Back extensions, chin-ups
    Wednesday: Light squat (80% Monday), press, deadlift
    Friday: Squat, BP, Back extensions, pull-ups

    Week 2:

    Monday: Squat, press, power clean,
    Wednesday: Light squat (80% Monday), BP, Back extensions, Chin-ups
    Friday: Squat, press, deadlift.

  5. #5
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    Thanks for your time with this one, skills.

    My whole thing, here, is that I don't want to be a pussy about this. I realize that there's a certain level of discomfort that is par for the course, so far as barbell training is concerned. And I can handle it, that's certainly not an issue. What I was more worried about was staying on the program as-is and accidentally over-reaching and either hitting a wall or getting injured. I've made great progress and I'd rather switch up to a program like the one you described there than have any other contingencies.
    Last edited by gamedog; 07-20-2010 at 01:31 PM.

  6. #6
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    May 2008


    Go to a) schedule and start 2.5lb jumps on bench and press immediately, and try to keep up your progression for as long as possible.

    At 30, I know that squatting 3 days a week at full effort at our age is very tough to recover from, especially if you have any amount of LifeShit going on. I also KNOW from experience that it is absolutely vital to switch to 2.5lb jumps on bench and press waaaaaaay sooner rather than later. Trust me.

    At your weight and height, you should be able to continue to at least the following for work sets before you need to switch to anything more complicated, IMO: (assuming decent form)
    Squat: 365-405, depending entirely on how mentally tough you are
    Dead: 405-425
    Bench: 225-255, depending mostly on your natural build and previous benching experience
    Press: 155-175, "
    PC: Depends on technique more than anything, don't stress about it too much, but most guys our size get to around 205 for work sets pretty easily.

    This should be at least another 8 weeks of the basic 3x/wk SS program, but using a light squat day on Wed. Don't sell it short! Also, I'd do light back squats (warmup, then 2x5 @ 70% ish of your work sets) unless you have a reason to do front squats. Be warned that they will still feel heavy - this is normal.

  7. #7
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    St. Thomas, Ontario


    I've been following your training very closely and it looks to me like a light wednesday with no other modification would be exactly what you need to refresh and keep driving up... but I'm not personally experienced in that, it just seems to make sense.

    edit: oh yeah, and you and me both need microplates for presses.
    Last edited by MazdaMatt; 07-20-2010 at 01:46 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Thank you for you input, Jacob.

    You said it, don't sell it short... That's the thing that I was most worried about. I don't want to fuck this up by either switching to an intermediate program too early or whatever. I know that the gains we get as beginners are the best gains, and it's a good thing to get everything out of it we can.

    LOL @ 31 it is kind of hard, but it's really not so bad. I do wish I was 19 and doing this, but hey, it is what it is. The more I think about it the more I think about milking it for as much as I can by programming-in the light squat day and making the 10 pound a week jumps.

    I'm going to think about this more and see how I feel tomorrow. If my legs still feel like they're on fire LOL like they do right now I'm gonna go with a light day as prescribed.

    As to the micro-loading on the bench...

    I've been considering this, too. I'm a little on the broke side at the moment, but I do intend to source and buy those little plates as soon as I have a little extra cash. That's just more LifeShit... Both I, and my wife, decided that we're tired of renting so we're on a plan of aggressive bill/student loan payment and savings so we can get into a house of our own here soon, so it's a little strapped but there is room for expenditures, just gotta "program them in" is all ;-)

    I will be buying that book though, Friday. SSBBT was great, and I'm sure PP will be too.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by MazdaMatt View Post
    I've been following your training very closely and it looks to me like a light wednesday with no other modification would be exactly what you need to refresh and keep driving up... but I'm not personally experienced in that, it just seems to make sense.
    Indeed you have, and I appreciate your candor. And I think you might be right. I'm ready to implement this if needs be, tomorrow.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    My 1.25lb plates were well under 10 bucks. Washers, chains, mill down/drill out 2.5s, just make it happen.

    And no matter how your legs feel, you're mentally tired, or you wouldn't have made this post. There's absolutely no shame in switching to a light day on Wed right now. Just do it, and refocus your energy on the other lifts when you can.

    I'm surrounded by "kids" doing these programs, and it's hard to remember that I'm "ancient," but it is what it is. There's still plenty of opportunity for gains, you just have to be a tad more careful about things, and avoid the ADD programming mentality that is inevitable. I wish I had - I would have squatted 500 WAY earlier, and my bench wouldn't suck quite as badly.

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