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Thread: Deadlift Form Check (265 lbs.)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Deadlift Form Check (265 lbs.)

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Height/Weight: 5'11" and 167 lbs.

    Current 1RM: I guess 280 lbs.? (Based on this set I'm about to post)

    Weight being used: 265 lbs.


    Question/Details: This is my working set of 1x5 - 265lbs. on the deadlift (I was only able to do 3 as I felt my back starting to round on the 2nd and 3rd rep). Eating and rest is DEFINITELY in order and not the weak link. Squats 3x5 - 215 lbs. and Bench Press 3x5 - 155 lbs. were done prior to this with no issues. I'm not doing any extra accessory work or jumping in increments of weight that are not recommended in SS. This is my first "missed attempt" for deadlift and took place on the last day of my 3rd week. So is there anything wrong with my form? I can't tell if the feeling I'm getting is my lower back rounding or if you're just supposed to feel the load distribution from the weight move up your back as your back angle changes through the lift. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Cedar Point, NC


    There is nothing wrong with your form. You are too close to the bar as indicated by your vertical shins. Ensure that ehen you look down to get your spacing you are not inadvertently pulling your legs back.

    Next time finish the set. Onward and upward.

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