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Thread: Stalled - Seeking Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Default Stalled - Seeking Help

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hey guys,

    Before I begin I am fully aware that I did not do the program. I made mistakes with nutrition, programming, & recovery. However, I wish to change my ways. I have been stalled for a while and I am looking for any advice you guys are willing to offer to an 18 year old.

    Starting Weights (in lbs)

    BW: 153
    Squat: 155 X 5 X 3
    Deadlift: 135 X 5 X 1
    Bench: 160 X 5 X 3
    Press: 70 X 5 X 3

    Current Weights (in lbs)

    BW: 174
    Squat: 255 X 5 X 3
    Deadlift: 265 X 5 X 1
    Bench: 220 X 5 X 3
    Press: 115 X 5 X 3

    I have been doing the program since September (closing in on 6 months). I eat 4,010 calories/day (have a food scale and track calories via mymacros+) - however, I have been stalled in the mid 170's for sometime so I want to make an increase. I won't be able to until I start work (taking semester off NYU as it was too expensive and I need to pay off debt before I can transfer - I was a moron for going to a "dream school.") but when I do what should my macros look like? Currently my macros are: P: 210 C: 545 F:110 (protein is from chicken & milk, carbs are from pasta & oats, fat is largely from oil & peanut butter & almonds).

    Similarly, my squat has also stalled. Originally it stalled at 225 but I went to Coach Wolf in January and he was able to fix my breathing and form and so I pushed up to 260 but failed. I then dropped to 235 (10%) and worked my way back up. Today I tried 260 again and I hit 5 reps the first set, then 3 reps, then 4 reps. I had a rough day today so I am going to try to hit it Friday but I am not confident (I take 4-5min breaks). My quads feel exceptionally sore even after resting for five minutes (not sure if sleep is an issue). Additionally, my deadlift was always my weakest lift and since my meeting with coach Wolf I got that up from about 190 to where it is now (265); however, that too is beginning to feel heavy.

    I am going to up my calories as soon as I can get my food budget above ~$70. But, in the mean time, what do I do? Should I reset again even though I have 2X? Should I begin doing the power clean? I always felt like I could never learn it so I swapped it for chins but I am going to re-read the section on it as I regret not doing it. Should I start incorporating front squats? Romanian deadlifts? This just seems too early to stall and I am trying to figure out how to use my time in the gym in the most productive way until I can afford to eat more.

    Sorry for the long post but I appreciate all advice. Thanks - Tom

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by John Hanley View Post
    Sorry my bad! 5'7-5'8

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Land of Shadows...


    (I take 4-5min breaks)
    try a full six minutes, be accurate . . . use a timer/stopwatch/cell phone.

    probably not the only problem/issue . . . . but may help alot.

    Also, are you doing any 'conditioning'?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    New Jersey


    Quote Originally Posted by tjt564 View Post
    (not sure if sleep is an issue)
    Well is it or not?

    First 3 questions to ask are:

    1) How long are you resting between sets? - already addressed
    2) How big of jumps are you taking in weight?
    3) How well are you recovering?

  6. #6
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    Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by MBasic View Post
    try a full six minutes, be accurate . . . use a timer/stopwatch/cell phone.

    probably not the only problem/issue . . . . but may help alot.

    Also, are you doing any 'conditioning'?
    Ok, I will definitely try the six minutes on Friday. And no, I'm not doing any cardio but I am doing Farmer's Walks & kettle bell presses.

  7. #7
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    Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Arnold View Post
    Well is it or not?

    First 3 questions to ask are:

    1) How long are you resting between sets? - already addressed
    2) How big of jumps are you taking in weight?
    3) How well are you recovering?

    I get about 7hrs/night but I recently started sleeping with my girlfriend of two years every night and have since stopped sleeping on my back which may be an issue. I shoot for eight hours, should I try 8-10 for the next two nights?

    2) 5lbs every workout. 255 X 5 X 3 moved well its just when I hit 260 everything starts going down hill. I'll post a form check on Friday even though it will most likely include me failing on my last set of 260 this way you guys can tell me if I need to tweak anything.

    3) Not great as of late. Body feels kind of sore for longer than usual. My quads and the inside of my hip (abductors?) are extremely tight so I've been doing some static stretching post workout to try and loosen them up.

  8. #8
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    Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by King of the Jews View Post
    Buy the book. Read the book. Really, you're answers are in the book.

    Also, how much do you value abs? I say go to 185-195lb.

    I'm 5'8.5" and 217lb. Fattest was 240. I like being around 200-210.
    You're definitely right, I read the book, however, I stupidly placed a high value on abs in the beginning and chose to neglect a lot of the information I should have highly valued due to the fact that I wanted to maintain my appearance. I am now making the change and 185-195lb is exactly where I want to be; as soon as I am working (should be by next week or the week after that) I am going to up my calories around 4400 and see how that goes. Any advice on what to do in the mean time about the Squat? If I fail on Friday should I try another reset? (I do have knee travel that I need to fix but I'm having a hard time doing it - they flare too far outward and I need to consciously pull them back in front of the toes before I start my ascent - I'm going to search for knee travel in the forum now).

  9. #9
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    Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by King of the Jews View Post
    Rest 8-10 minutes between sets. See what happens.
    It'll be hard to wait that long but I will definitely try it and hope for the best. I'll report back on Friday with the results, I'll also work on my knee travel and head position as I'm re-reading the Squat section now.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    I agree with most of the advice already given

    - more rest
    - more eating (if I were 18, I'd go 1/2 gomad on top of what your doing).
    - and - I'm guessing based on debt, $70/wk for food & school changes - that you've got some stress to manage. stress is a gainzkiller. maybe meditate, punch shit, whatever works best to counter going crazy.

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