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Thread: Early intermediate program tweaks for volume / frequency

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Default Early intermediate program tweaks for volume / frequency

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi. I transitioned to TM-type programming a few weeks back when linear progress stalled. Steady progress since, but minor tweaks were/are needed. I'm 39, at 170lbs 6'1.
    Current program:
    Monday (volume): 3x5 squat, 5x5 press, 5x3 clean, 3x5 rows.
    Wednesday (light): 2x5 Front squat, 8x2 Powersnatch, 2x5 bench, 3 sets of BW chinups.
    Friday (intensity): 3RM squat, 3RM press, 1-5RM DL, 3x5 weighted chinups
    Saturday (???): 8x2 Powersnatch, some assistance.

    Numbers: Squat 300lbs (3RM), DL 330lbs, press 125. Just started the PS so it is still at 120. Shoulder/forearm/wrist mobility hinders my clean technique as well, so I do them currently only at 150, PR somewhat higher. I know my numbers are pedestrian, but busy schedule makes recovery an issue, and at this thing I have been at least been making progress.

    Question:1) I droppeed the volume from 5x5 to 3x5 on squats at 255 (three weeks ago) because I felt I wasn't recovering. I seem to have been able to make progress since; my monday squats are now at 270 and seems doable. I know that the volume day is supposed to be hard, so was I being hasty? 2) Given that my shoulder thing prevents me from racking heavier weigts in the clean, would it make actually sense to leave it out altogether and just ditch the saturday workout, and do the snatches on monday instead? The reason I workout on saturday is I just feel I can't stay out of the gym for three days. 3) Given that my squat recovery was a problem with the 5x5 but seems to be progressing with the 3x5 on monday, would it make sense to drop the volume in the press as well before 5x5 becomes a problem? They are smaller muscles, so I conjectured that they recover faster but this may be a stupid argument. 3) I do the rows quite heavy in comparison to the other lifts, at about 200lbs. I have kept them on the monday with the idea that it might have some carryover to the deadlift, but this argument doesn't seem all that strong. There is a lot of pulling in the program (I love pulling), so would you suggest doing something else instead? I haven't had any problems with it yet, but I'd rather be prepared to change my apporach as soon as any problems arise.

    Any other comments would of naturally be of interest. My goal is just to get better at squats, DL, snatch and press. I won't (can't) pursue the bench and the clean anymore, I have found that my shoulder does not respond well to them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Please condense this if possible or email me to set up a phone consult.

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