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Thread: Resuming after surgery

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Default Resuming after surgery

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I had severe chronic de quervains that was refractory to conservative therapy. It was so bad I could not grip at about the 9th month mark. I underwent 1st dorsal compartment release and it went well. The tendon was somewhat frayed but my hand surgeon allowed me to resume after 2 weeks. I have zero pain now and full range of motion. Durning the 2 weeks off I could not do much of anything. My question is this. I am older 42 and my lifts were not stellar even before the layoff. It has now been 4 weeks. I had been at a bench of 230x5 for 3 sets. I started last week with 205x5 and had planned on just adding 5 lbs a session benching twice a week with press on middle day. Is this reasonable or should I try something else? Have never had an injury before that kept me from lifting so I am not sure what to expect.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Sounds reasonable.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Bbinck1 View Post
    I had severe chronic de quervains that was refractory to conservative therapy. It was so bad I could not grip at about the 9th month mark. I underwent 1st dorsal compartment release and it went well. The tendon was somewhat frayed but my hand surgeon allowed me to resume after 2 weeks. I have zero pain now and full range of motion. Durning the 2 weeks off I could not do much of anything. My question is this. I am older 42 and my lifts were not stellar even before the layoff. It has now been 4 weeks. I had been at a bench of 230x5 for 3 sets. I started last week with 205x5 and had planned on just adding 5 lbs a session benching twice a week with press on middle day. Is this reasonable or should I try something else? Have never had an injury before that kept me from lifting so I am not sure what to expect.
    I started lifting two weeks status post right elbow ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction with anterior transposition of the ulnar nerve. I lifted what I could the first time (empty smith machine) for 3 sets of 5. Did this twice per day, every day until week 4 when I was at 225 for three sets of 5. By the day I hit 8 weeks post op, I was able to bench 315 for a double with a Bledsoe elbow brace on. I then took the brace off, and resumed normal programming after reducing my working sets to 255#. I'm a year and a half out of surgery and have hit 375 on two separate occasions. My surgeon cautioned me that after surgery I may never bench 250# again.

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