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Thread: Deload

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    New Brunswick, Canada

    Default Deload

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    What is the accepted 'deload percentage', and when should one consider it?

    I weigh 195 lbs, probably 25-28% BF, and for once I actually punched in the food-stuff's on Fitday, coming in at around 2500 cal's (not sure of the macro breakdown).

    Squat will be 205 lbs tonight.
    Deadlift was 200 lbs the other night.

    I had a 16 day break due to ridiculous overtime requirements (deadlines) and left off at 195 (form felt sketchy) on the squat. I repeated the same workout after the 16 days, and it still felt sketchy. Took a few more-than-necessary days off due to lack of motivation and newborn-not-sleeping stuff and attempted 200 earlier this week. That, for some odd reason, seemed easier than 195.

    Form could be an issue at this point, and thus this additional series of questions - if I'm not comfortable with the form, should I reset approx 10-20% and build back up? Or should I keep going until I miss a rep or two, and then reset? Or add in back-off sets? I have the same question about deadlift.

    I videoed myself squatting, and from what I can see my form doesn't look as horrible as it felt during the 195, and I don't feel any discomfort anywhere. Sleep is definitely an issue (4.5 year old + 5 month old, neither sleep through the night).

    Might add more, but I gotta go.


    Last edited by jwhal; 04-22-2011 at 05:06 PM. Reason: more questions; clarifying the contradicting info

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    New Brunswick, Canada


    Re-reading this, it sounds contradictory in parts, so let me clarify: after reviewing my video, my form doesn't look too shitty (to me) right now, but with the weight starting to actually feel heavy it has the potential to become an issue and I'm a bit paranoid. If my form starts to break down enough to become an issue, should I just reset and by how much, or do I keep going until I miss reps, or do I add back-off sets while I'm not missing reps? Does this make much sense? I'm confusing myself. Time for a beer.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Unless form is really bad, keep adding the weight.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    New Brunswick, Canada


    Failed on squats @ 205. 4-4-1. Will try the same weight next time. Back felt very weak. No video this time though.

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