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Thread: Unable to bench due to AC shoulder pain- meet is in 5 weeks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Unable to bench due to AC shoulder pain- meet is in 5 weeks

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi coach,

    Last week I first tried a full stop bench press, grip width was moderate as always.
    I warmed up properly, did 120-125-130KG singles then went for 3X5 with the same weight I already accomplished with a 5X5 volume.

    I failed on the last set with on the 5th rep and the spotter helped me, took him like 3 seconds so the weight dropped a few inches before he helped me.
    That night I couldn't sleep down on the right side because it hurt like a SOB.
    Looking into the Atlas the pain generated at the Acromioclavicular joint capsule.

    I massaged the place and it felt as if the joint had small bumps on it or as if there were small particles which aren't supposed to be there(the other shoulder felt different). I also iced it a lot and the pain went away after 36-48 hours- so I thought it was nothing major just the 1RM stress.
    Since that workout I went heavy on the SQ on the rack pull(PR) and on the OHP(PR volume effort)- I had some very mild pain on the OHP that went away right after the first work set.

    Today I tried to bench with a closer grip, started with 100KG(warm up weight) and it hurt like a SOB, tried 80 hurt again, then I lowered it to 60KG and couldn't pick the fucking bar due to the pain. Left the bench pissed off.
    Seems like the most pain was right on the start of the lift.

    I carefully went to do some unweighted dips and easily made some slow full range sets of 12( I usually do these with a 45lb plate for 8's)- no pain on the movement.

    I am wanting to enter my first RAW meet in 5 weeks.
    Does this injury require me not to bench for a few weeks? give the competition up?
    Is there anything I should do instead in the meanwhile?(heavy dips?)

    Also does this injury require any medical supervision other than my ice and massage?

    Thank you for your time

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    If you have separated your shoulder, the meet will not be in 5 weeks. This will probably need a diagnosis.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    This scares me a little. Do you think the injury occurred on the rep that you failed?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    This was 100% due to a failed bench press rep.
    I will have it checked, no benching in the meanwhile.

    Can I still DL/SQ/OHP and do other physical activity that involves no pain(supposed to have a training session tomorrow)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    You can obviously do anything that doesn't hurt.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by David_G View Post
    This was 100% due to a failed bench press rep.
    Was the failed rep out of position somehow due to the spotter? It'd be surprising to me if a cleanly failed rep, as in the rep cannot be completely but there's no form breakdown, caused an injury of that nature.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by elVarouza View Post
    Was the failed rep out of position somehow due to the spotter? It'd be surprising to me if a cleanly failed rep, as in the rep cannot be completely but there's no form breakdown, caused an injury of that nature.
    Trying to tuck in my elbows on the way up I actually lowered the bar too far away from my chest when I got stuck-towards my stomach. I felt it, but it wasn't exaggerated. I lowered the weight and made 2 more sets later on, weights felt too heavy(235 for 5's) but I didn't pay any fucking attention.

    My grip is not very close, but defenitly not wide either(both hands well inside the ring marks- and I am 6'1 with a long arm span)
    The combination of letting the bar slide towards my stomach and not letting the bar fall faster caused this shit, I should not have struggled, even though the spotter responded slow I had to pay more attention and didn't(yet again), this shit was my fault.

    Alternating my grip to a closer one as soon as I can bench again.

    -465 DL for 4 reps(PR attempt),
    -5 sets of chins for 8-11 reps
    -5 sets of close grip dips(full ROM) for 11-15 reps.
    Had no pain at all, slight discomfort maybe from being nervous on the dips at first couple of sets but I made it ok.
    No pain on the DL, but the bar was going up slightly uneven- more weight on the supinated hand(which is not the injured side).

    1. Scheduled an appointment with the Orthopedist for this monday.
    2. Tripled my omega 3 intake(usually 1000mg EPA and 500mg DHA, now 3000mg EPA and 1500mg DHA)- not counting the fise/nuts/etc I eat.

    I will post again as soon as I meet the doctor for further advises(hope he doesn't just give me some catabolic pills and send me away)

    Anything I should not agree to? a certain shot etc.?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Do not let him put cortisone into the joint unless he convinces you with a sound logical argument that it will correct the situation more than temporarily.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    Roger that sir! thank you

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