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Thread: Another Military Thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Default Another Military Thread

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Short & sweet: New command team believes all personnel should be ready for PFT anytime, anywhere with little notice (1-3 days). We've had 5 PFTs since May
    Problem: i have not been able to taper like how COL Whitemore layed out in his study with cadets
    Question: im a poor runner (60-75pts) and looking to change my programming to keep my running performance high for these unexpected tests.
    My Hope: Someone SSC or otherwise may be able to critique the following before i implement it on Monday.

    M- Full Body (Squat, Bench, BB Row, Dips)
    T- Chins, Run (lactate threshold oriented)
    R-Full Body (Light Squat, Press, Deadlift, Weighted Dips)
    F- Weighted Chins, Long Run (aerobic m)etabolism
    S-Intervals (1/4 or 1/2 miles)
    Wk1 Top set×8, -5%×8×2
    Wk2 Top set×5, -5%×5×2
    Wk3 Top set×2, -5%×2×2
    Chins/Dips BW×50total, Weighted ×20
    Ive seen Maj Long use 2 lift sessions when he tapers and i read a thread where Andy Baker also recommends it. As far as why a top set its because with ky current program i ran out the ability to do sets across and maintain linear progression.
    My intermediate thread: 68whiskeyontherocks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    It's an intermediate program that looks like it has some influences from the 5/3/1 family of programming. Seems like it should work okay. Two things I wonder. The first, you probably won't know for sure until you execute. The second you can likely answer right off.

    1) What's that Friday run going to feel like after deads? And a corollary, if you're going to beat the hell out of your Saturday intervals, how's Monday squat going to feel?

    2) What's week 4 ... just right back to sets of 8 again?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    1) it'll be miserable however as of now that run has actually been on my deadlift day(friday) in the 1 lift per day organization of training im doing now.
    2) i was just going to restart with 8s

    As far as in the 5/3/1 family id say thats really accurate. I listened to matt reynolds on his podcast talk about his 5/3/1. Ive read the 5/3/1 books and some articles Wendler has written. However i dont like the training max or the AMRAPs. Ive read threads on here talk about 8/5/2 vaguely. I think the 8s would be more manageable to grind through if im fatigued as opposed to 5s. I also like that if you fail on 2s you can go to singles in the session you fail. Biggest issue for me is just fitting lift days after rest to allow for less fatigue.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Go easy on the deadlifts on Thursday before your run on Friday. If your back hurts even a little, don't run. I tweaked my back slightly and a few hours later went for a run. A few hours later my back was so sore I could hardly move.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    I adjusted fire on the routine after taking into account Bischoffs thoughts. I adjusted fire and mildly changed the program.
    Squat PR×8, -5%×8×2/ PR×5, -5%×5/ PR×2, -5%×2×2
    1ct Paused Bench PR×8, -5%×8×2/ PR×5, -5%×5/ PR×2, -5%×2×2
    Weighted Chins ×20
    Weighted Dips ×20
    Intervals (400-1,000m repeats)
    Push Up test
    Sit Ups test -or- Cross crunch SOF test
    Lactate threshold 2-3miles
    Press PR×8, -5%×8×2/ PR×5, -5%×5/ PR×2, -5%×2×2
    Deadlift PR×8, -5%×8×2/ PR×5, -5%×5/ PR×2, -5%×2×2
    Pull Ups ×50
    Dips ×50
    Recovery Run 5-6 miles SLOW

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    starting strength coach development program
    Interested to see how it fleshes out. I gather today would have been Squat and Bench day. I'll swing over to log-country and see if you've posted there.

    1) Push up test on Wednesday; I'm curious to see how it impacts your press work on Thursday. It might not materially impact it at all, or it might. You'll discover it empirically.

    2) Nowadays when I squat and push something on the same day, I do the upper body work first because it's a lighter gross weight. I don't know if the same would work as well for you as it does for me (and full disclosure, I've only been doing it that way for like 3 weeks, so my data isn't complete either).

    Kill it, doc!

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