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Thread: Knee issue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Knee issue

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Looking for some info advice from your well of wisdom-

    I’m 37 and at an intermediate level with all my lifts. Training 3 days per week and adding some conditioning here and there.

    After a 1.5 mile run I had a little pain in the right knee. The pain was around the knee cap. I ran my full cycle that week (TX method) with no real issues other than a bit of stiffness in the knee. On Friday I ran through the warm-up cycle up to my working set of 355. On the second rep the knee gave out completely. Sharp pain persisted.

    Went to the doc (Navy medical) and they ran some basic test by grabbing the knee and pulling a twisting with no result. They could not replicate the pain. I can walk, stand, and have full range of motion but if I try to squat down, walk up our down stairs, or sit on the crapper I get a sharp pain (level 9) once my knee hit about a 45 degree angle. They told me that it was “likely nothing serious”.

    I have been on Morten and ice with no improvement. I have given it a week but the issue persists.

    I know you are not a doctor but you are likely far more qualified that a student at a Naval hospital. No x-ray was taken.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Yes, running causes knee injuries. It likely will get better soon. But if it doesn't, they will have to diagnose it. Really.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Thanks for the reply. Time will tell. I appreciate what you do for this community and truly value your opinion!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Prague, Czech republic

    Default patellar tendon?

    Mr. Rippetoe,

    Iīm hijacking this thread. Knee problem as well. Searched, didnīt find anything similar.

    - male, 25, 184cm, 85-6 kg

    - strength training history and experience: on and off since 16, usually moth, two moths long bouts until I got bored or injured (usually back due to doing too much).
    2012 run SS for the first time- recently looked up to my log from then and realized I kinda fucked it up (though it was most productive training I did up to then).
    2013 on and off for two months. Then broke one of my left wrist bones and used it as an excuse to not train at all.
    February 2014 started training with kettlebells twice a week and barbell training here and there- that lasted until August. Then started 2x week gym along with rugby but my short carreer ended up banging up both my already bad shoulders pretty badly. Left rugby, continued training in gym. Couldnīt do back squats at all due to shoulders so started doing some front squats month after shoulder injury.

    Recently managed to get to lb squat position- accidentally found out that presses done prior to squats help loosening my shoulders tremendously. It still is painful, but at least manageable most of time.

    Now to injury. Yesterday when I was doing 5 reps with 85kg I felt sharp pain on my left patella last two reps when rising from the bottom, prolly patellar tendon as thereīs no other structure running across the knee from the top down on the surface of patella. I have the video of squat but was not able to upload it yet. I already felt the same pain once with around 65 kilos. Didnīt happen with 90 though.

    What Iīm aware of:

    1. On the video of that particular set, I was going deeper than parralel- Iīll upload the video as soon as my internet speed and vpn allows me (god knows when). No knee driving forward in the bottom.

    2. I felt my left knee on the front squats as well, but differently- circa two months ago I had hit my knee (table or chair dont remember) and it hurt on medial side on the surface of femoral condylus, felt like tight ligamentt the next day after fsq. With bsq no problem. Also, had problem with even stance on fsq- left foot tends to be 1-2cm back. When forced to make the stance even, it felt weird inside of the knee. This is also not a problem with bsq as far as I know.

    3. My right thigh is bigger. I was considering uneven leg length but physios never said that when examining my back. Tape measuring from great trochanter to ground while standing didnīt reveal any differences (that wasnīt measured by a professional though). Right side of back and right side of ass is much more sore after deadlifts that left (musles should be the same size), but sparring said he didnīt see any uneven movement and videos so far are clear. Do you recommend measuring the length?

    4. I have flat spine (maybe now itīs a bit better) and used to have slight thoratic scoliosis that got smaller when started and continued strength training.

    5. 2008 I had my left knee injured when snowboarding- some rotational stuff. Donīt know what it was, it got swollen and hurt first two days, doc told me to wrap it in bandages and I continued snowboarding for the rest of the week.

    6. 2013 I fell on my ass from two metres, landed on right side of ass. When i contract right gluteus still feeling a bit of pain near coccyx sometimes. Doc didnīt examine that in particular.

    7. Have persistent slight lower back pain when extending too much, but got used to it as it doesnīt really restrict any training, hoping deadlifting will get it better. When I massage right glute it helps a lot.

    That should be all I know.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Savannah GA, and White Springs FL


    Michael Stransky
    If Rip doesn't mind I am replying to your post. At age 25 you are too young to be obsessing about all these little problems. Just do the program using correct form and don't forget to keep your knees out when squatting.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    That's a good response, Dave.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by mdemauro View Post

    No x-ray was taken.

    Do you feel like a radiograph was warranted in your case?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    No. Just providing the info. Mark often asks to provide and much info as possible. I have no idea if an injury such as mine would even show.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    How is the pain now?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    Getting better, as you suggested. I've been rolling my IT bands / quads like crazy and that has seemed help. I'm going to try some light squatting on Monday assuming the pain continues to subside. We'll see...

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